Friday chickenIn which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of ritual and self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

Feeling very disoriented! Yesterday I was astonished to learn that it was Thursday, when it couldn’t possibly be.

Today I’m just kind of generally confused about everything. But here we are! I’m chickening, so it must be Friday, right? Or thereabouts.

The hard stuff

The giant gaping hole where the bathroom sink used to be.

And then the time, inconvenience and general /hassle until said hole was taken care of.

Ah, Hoppy House.


Many bruises.

Mostly from tripping over things, sometimes literally and occasionally not.

Everything hurts!

Got a cold.

In July. It’s stupid.

Recovery sucks, just in general. I don’t know why I forgot that.

I need more downtime after last week’s Rally.

Too much working, not enough playing.

Timing. And guessing wrong.

I was working on an aspect of a project that ended up taking about five times longer than I’d estimated.

This totally threw me way off track. Not just with the project, but in all sorts of ways.


It is a known thing that longing for something you can’t have is a colossal waste of time.

But somehow the knowing of that doesn’t seem to be all that effective in terms of being able to stop wanting the un-wantable.

The good stuff

Oh! This is so great!

So last Friday (on the chicken!), I told you about the Shiva Nata Snack Preview class that I’d just set up.

By Monday it had SOLD OUT and people were still wanting to get in — we now have a ridiculously long waiting list.

There are still a couple spots for the August series but those should be gone soon too.

This was really exciting, especially seeing how exuberant people are feeling about this class. Yay. And yay for more shivanauts hanging out at the Playground.

Getting so much done. So much!

After a unlikely and complicated slump (tiny pockets of slump mixed with long periods of process-process-sleep-on-it, which are not slump-ey at all), I had a big run of outrageous, unstoppable DOING.

Specifically PLUM DUFF!

I was pretty sure we wouldn’t be able to get it ready in time, since it has to brunch on Monday morning.

But guess what?! We did. Incredible.

And I will even whisper-link to it (password = extraraisins) even though it’s not supposed to be live yet.

Credit for getting this done goes to the OOD and Cairene and last week’s Rally (Rally!) and all of the crazed shivanauttery we did there.

It was drizzly this week.

And I liked it.

It kind of reminded me of Berlin, which can also get chilly-wet in the middle of summer.

I was happy when the sun came back too, of course.

And happy for the things the sun is bringing (amazing blueberries and tomatoes in the Hoppy House garden, raspberries from Dana’s garden).

But the drizzly was lovely.

The Shiva Nata iPhone app finally approved!

Still not in the shop.

But we got the approval. After months and months of run-around and absurd tribulations.

So close!


Yoga again.

Well, I’m always doing yoga and living yoga, but when it comes to the physical practice, usually I’m practicing old Turkish lady yoga or teaching it.

This week I took some classes out in the world again and enjoyed.

Internal relationships.

At my Kitchen Table program we’ve started the summer quarter, which is on the theme of relationships.

And I taught a class on internal relationships.

The KT mice are so wise and creative, and have become so knowledgeable and well-versed in what I teach.

So we’re able to run classes at a super high level now. I was really impressed by the smart, thoughtful questions and the different situations in which people were able to apply what we talk about.

Very reassuring.

Bridge walk! And then Sunday parkways!.

I’ll be walking all weekend.

First at the Bridge Walk.

And then at Sunday Parkways.

Who’s coming with me? If a bunch of us do it, I’ll even bring the Schmoppet!

Reconnecting with an old friend.

And laughing laughing laughing.

My new favorite website.

It’s the make everything okay website that… wait for it… makes everything okay.

Thank you to the Frolicsome Bar (our facebook page) for sharing it with me.

And also I am loving loving loving this (thank you, Liz!).

And … playing live at the meme beach house it’s the Fake Band of the Week!

My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”

This week’s band:

Dramatic Swiss Marmot

I even have a video clip. And it’s the best video clip ever.

Catch them at the Meme Beach House all week. Except that it’s really just one guy.

Tiny little pre-annoucement? Plum Duff! Plum Duff!

Officially I’m not supposed to announce this online until Monday morning when the actual brunching happens but the fact that it is almost-here makes it too exciting to not tell you about.

Especially since it’s up and ready now* so you can sneak in if you like…

* Password = extraraisins

I would love some cheering and sparklepoints and general joyousness for this!

That’s it for me …

And of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments if you feel like it.

Yes? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?

And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come. Shabbat shalom.

p.s. It’s okay if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — you can join in whenever (or not) and it’s no big deal.

The Fluent Self