Friday chickenIn which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of ritual and self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

The hard stuff

Too much doing. Not enough exit from doing.

Back to back meetings means no time to review and recover.

It doesn’t work. Not for me.

I already knew this, but now I know it.

Weekend full of work stuff.

I mistakenly learned as a child that working evening and weekends “doesn’t count”. It’s just this thing that you do. And if you’re teaching or facilitating, then it’s not work either.

And of course, in this world of internal distortions, there is no such thing as, say, getting to work fewer hours in the day if you are doing more work in the evening. Yep.

There were so many things that absolutely had to be done this weekend because otherwise this week would be a disaster.

Like writing up the lighting concept in time to run it for approval, reviewing a bunch of applications, writing the invitation for the painting party, sending the First Mate the notes from the meeting with the attorney, painting in the new Playground.

And I felt really rebellious about that.

Sore from painting and from too much work.

Tight tight tight.

The pain of wanting and waiting.

Wanting things that aren’t options right now/yet.

Or maybe not at all.

Processing a lot of sadness about that.

People still want to tell me how they think I should perceive or process.

I don’t actually care how anyone else would process my process.

That’s the whole point. It’s my process.

So many gigantic projects.

We’re essentially opening six different-but-related businesses in the new space.

And each one comes with its own learning curve and challenges.

This week was about how exhausting that is.

The one thing that really has to be done today and does not seem to be even close.


The good stuff


I was able to easily and gracefully skirt around a potential GIANT LANDMINE this week, all because of having done the alignment exercise.

During a meeting with someone, she got triggered and instantly sunk deep into her stuff. Since her stuff overlaps with my stuff, normally this would have set me off too, but it didn’t because I’d spent an entire hour clearing my part of it out beforehand.

Thank god, thank god for the chrysalis last week.

Muscle-testing everything.

I forget this all the time, that it’s such a shortcut to listening.

Everything is easier when your body can tell you what you already want.

As Bryan puts it: Instead of deciding, just honor the decisions your body has already made.

This is my biggest challenge, but this week went a little better.

Tramp tramp tramp tramp.

Back to the bouncing, and it helps.

Of course! Garlands!

The answer to EVERYTHING this week was garlands!

And each time I’d get completely tangled up in how to solve a problem, but then the answer would reveal itself.

It was garlands. Every single time. Apparently you can solve anything with a garland. That was useful to know.

I understood something I thought I already knew.

Thanks to Shiva Nata, I got to relearn something important in a deep, visceral, full-body-knowing kind of way.

This is a really, really, really big deal.

Help from Ath.

She’s the best.

New Playground is starting to really come together.

Now that the columns are painted, it feels like home.

Hey, everything is better than last year.

Thank you, systems. Thank you, sovereignty. Thank you, containers. Thank you, having learned a bunch of stuff the hard way.

This Monday is Rally (Rally!)

Yay! Everything is better when it’s Rally.

Thank you.

Thank you, Gwen, Shannon and Eve for gorgeous fabrics.

Thank you, Pearl, for the wonderful book — the Playground loves it. And thanks Annaliese for the just-right stickers!

Thank you, Cynthia, for being so helpful and giving me lots of useful ideas about production.

Playing live at the meme beach house — it’s the Fake Band of the Week!

Background? Ez and I make up bands. Stu (retired Bolshevik-fearing voice-to-text software) once translated “people will hate me and be jealous” to “they’ll hang out at my Meme Beach House“. It’s just one guy.

This week’s band is from Philly and they’re called:

The Just Right Stickers

It’s bluegrass-swing with some unexpected accordion action.

Though, as it turns out, the band is really just one guy.

Hallo Hallo! I am saying Hallo Hallo. Announcement time.

Picture me wearing that crazy hat

  1. Come to a Rally (Rally!) and change how you approach every single thing that happens in your life so that it’s more fun, more doable/ meaningful/accessible/pleasurable/sustainable. The 2012 Rallies are mostly sold out, but there are a few openings for May, June and September.
  2. The monster manual & coloring book solved most of my problems this week. Highly recommended

That’s it for me …

Join my Friday ritual in the comments if you feel like it. Or call silent retreat!

We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. And we don’t give advice (unless people specifically ask for it).

Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.

Shabbat shalom.

p.s. It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — join in whenever (or not) and it’s no big deal.

The Fluent Self