Friday chickenWhere I cover the good and the hard in my week, visiting the non-preachy side of ritual and self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

You guys, you guys, you guys!


So many chickens.

If you had told me two hundred and fifty weeks ago that this ritual was still going to be going five years later, I would have been kind of terrified, I think.

Anyway, an extra happy chickening to us.

What worked?

Committing to the sankalpa.

I brought an intention with me to [undisclosed location], and I am letting that intention be my guide.

Wearing it like a costume.

Playing with it in all the different ways.

Taking it into bed and into the shower, to my meals and to the water. I walk with it. I hold it .

It walks with me. It holds me.

Next time I might…

Oh god. I’m not sure, but it has to do with transitions..

This week involves many, many transitions.

Leaving place one to get to place two to arrive at place three.

Last time was direct. This time is complex.

I am invoking the superpower of Succinctness, and hoping

The hard.

  • The reason that I am here. I mean, the other reason.
  • Doubting myself.
  • I went to pull the last rabbit from the last hat, and there was no rabbit. I’m not even sure it was my hat.
  • The one thing I wasn’t worried about because THAT ONE THING was going to be fine while everything else fell apart was not fine at all.
  • So much grief. Who even knew it was possible to experience so much grief.
  • Big big pain from THEN. I knew I still had some work to do with this, but oh wow. I am into new territory.
  • Last year was the year of all the barns burning, and I had to learn to watch and let them burn. This year is the year of broken pots. Which sounds easier, but somehow it hurts more.
  • Transitions.
  • The Sweet Reconfiguration.
  • Unknowns.
  • Longing.
  • Sadness for past-me, who went through so much and didn’t have anyone to turn to.
  • Knowing that my time away is going to end sooner than I think.

The good.

  • I solved all the mysteries, by remembering something important. Well, it didn’t solve them so much as explain why everything is so hard right now. But
  • Remembering.
  • I am here to smile at the broken pots.
  • This is the next level of the video game. Of course I don’t like it, but when I’m done, I’ll know how to smile at the broken pots.
  • Horizon.
  • Water.
  • Body.
  • Choosing rest.
  • Glowing.
  • Truth and quiet and presence, and the relationship between them.
  • I am at the VICARAGE. Vicarage II: Electric Boogaloo. Thanks @vicarpac, the original Vicar, for that.
  • My normal silence is extra silent, and I need that.
  • Being Lady Bond.
  • Trusting the treasures. Being present and more present.
  • Getting to see people I adore.
  • Freedom and spaciousness. Pleasure and grace


Superpowers I had this week…

The superpower of resting into what I want instead of fighting for it.

And a superpower I want next week.

Knowing that everything is happening under the surface, and all that is needed from me is to rest and keep resting. Also: finding rest in unusual ways or places.

Playing live at the meme beach house — the Fake Band of the Week!

Background. Ez and I make up bands. Stu (retired Bolshevik-fearing voice-to-text software) once invented hanging out at the Meme Beach House“. It’s just one guy.

This week’s band:

The Way Of Mornings.

Though, of course, it’s really just one guy.

Hallo Hallo! I am saying Hallo Hallo. Announcement time.

Picture me wearing that crazy hat

I will recommend the thing I use most while turning inward: the monster coloring book and manual.

That’s it for me …

Join my Friday ritual in the comments if you feel like it. Or call silent retreat!

We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. And we don’t give advice (unless people specifically ask for it).

Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.

Shabbat shalom.

p.s. It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — join in whenever (or not) and it’s no big deal.

The Fluent Self