Friday chickenWhere I cover the good and the hard in my week, visiting the non-preachy side of ritual and self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

So even though I’ve been doing this for five whole years (and a week!), sometimes it still happens that I get to Friday and think:

“Oof, what’s the point. I might as well just write “HEY THIS WEEK SUCKED, HOW WAS YOURS” and leave it at that.”

And then, eventually, I remember that it is the act of processing that is the ritual. And also what reminds me about the good. This is hilarious, since my sankalpa or intention this week was “I can see the good”.

So let’s look at what was, and maybe we will see the good. At the very least, we will have played, and that in and of itself is part of the good.

What worked?

SITE REDESIGN, you guys!

I’ve had the Fluent Self site since August 2005! This is our first redesign since putting the blog on the main page in 2008, and I am so excited!

This is so exactly what I need in my life right now! Newness. Spaciousness. Freshness. Clarity. New beginning. Starting. Sweetness. SPACE. Ahhhhhhhh breath of fresh air.

This has been in the works forever but has not been high priority because of [all the things], and then suddenly it was able to happen! This is a great example (for me) of how aesthetic changes impact my mood and my internal space.

Click through to take a look if you’re reading this in your email. And please share any qualities you see or add your happy joyful sighs to mine. I would like to celebrate this.

OODS. Seriously. Wow.

This week I had big projects missions that were kind of out of control.

Every time I got lost or overwhelmed, I used the OOD and got back to what I needed.

OOD-ing was a lifesaver.

The Grand Spiral Caper Divertissement!!!

grand-spiral-caper In this week’s Very Personal Ads aka Visions of Possibility and Anticipation, I planted a wish that had something to do with a contest or a game.

What resulted was the Grand Spiral Caper Divertissement, pictured here, which now lives in an Undisclosed Secret Location.

Divertissement! You have to say it with an outrageously exaggerated French accent.

Agent Mueller and I are getting stuff done and ticking off boxes, which is the best part.

10 of the 42 squares are complete! This is way more fun than “this week we did an insane amount of work”.

Next time I might…

Remember that heat is hard on me.

It was a billion degrees (approximately) in Portal Land this week, and my body doesn’t like it. But mostly my mind doesn’t like it because of some really rough summers in Tel Aviv. I associate extreme heat with All The Hard Things.

Then I am hard on myself because I can’t function. This is silly.

As soon as I remember (see: the Book of Me) that heat makes me kinda crazed, I also remember to meet what I’m going through with legitimacy, patience, a little more sweetness.

Remember that Fire Drill days are releasing days.

Crying is just as good a form of release as anything else.

The hard, challenging and mysterious.

  • A continuation of the impossibly busy dreams, except these were all super surreal and not related to The Current Stressful Situation.
  • The Incident at the Agency. Which then grew into Trouble at the Agency.
  • Trouble with both the quality of Agency, and with the Other Agency that my Agency is currently in connection with.
  • Feeling wary and exhuasted about the above. There’s a leak? A mole? Does this go… all the way to the top?! It was all Burn Notice Season 6 in my head this week.
  • Trying to meet this situation with compassion but also being so very much in my stuff about it.
  • Monsters still going strong. Negotiations and safe rooms were needed.
  • Not connected to what I want, second-guessing everything.
  • The perception of attack. That word, it is not a good word. There were huge hacking attempts on this site during the week. Someone tried to hack into my Twitter account multiple times. This was a theme on various levels.
  • Going out to dinner, I started to put on makeup and then thought, “Oh honey, you’re just going to cry it off in the next ten minutes anyway.”
  • Space issues. And the business next door is using our entrance as their storage area, and apparently there is nothing we can do about that.
  • Sad about my favorite cafe being knocked down.
  • Beach day was not like beach day. The one thing in the world that is guaranteed to make everything better, being at my beloved Pacific Ocean, didn’t work. I went there and I didn’t feel better. I was there all day and cried all day. That has never happened before. I don’t even know what to think about this.
  • None of my clothes fit anymore. They are all too large, thanks in part to the past eighteen months of One Spectacular Loss After Another, and the past few months of Oh Actually This Is Even Harder. Given a choice, I will take too large over too small, but right now I have nothing to wear and this is driving me crazy.

The good, reassuring and delights.

  • The BUTTMONSTER ALPHABET CAROUSEL mission is going really, really well.
  • And we’re almost done with it!
  • Progress on Operation Siegfried the Magic Otter.
  • The Spiral Caper Divertissement made work more fun this week.
  • Walking in the park with Agent Mueller.
  • M. LeBlanc arranged a vehicle and took me to the coast for Surprise Beach Day. Even though I was going through a lot of grieving and cried the entire time, it was still really beautiful.
  • Also we made a bonfire and burned a bunch of things that needed to be burned. May everything that is done be done. And that was good.
  • Dance.
  • A heart full of appreciation, gratitude and love for so many things.
  • A letter from Marisa-in-Colorado that was so beautiful it made me cry. Happy tears, we are switching it up!
  • Julie, my dance instructor, said I have sexy feet. I don’t know how to describe what a mind-blowing moment this was so just imagine that someone thinks [a part of your physical appearance that you have stuff about] is marvelous. It was weird and good.
  • Even though I wasn’t able to make Tuesfau with the Vicar, I am so happy to have the Vicar in my life.
  • I am here, and — most of the time, at least — happy to be here, breathing into it, even when it’s hard.
  • I was able to see how my Stuff and someone else’s Stuff were functioning as plug and outlet, and work on my part of it.
  • Interrupting patterns.
  • Saying what I want/need and having that be okay.
  • New photo for the new site. Richard took it in the park on his phone, and I am feeling good about it, and that is a nice way to feel.


A superpower I had this week…

The superpower of play.

And a superpower I want next week.

The superpower of finding the good.


This week’s salve is the salve of however it turns out, it’s going to be okay.

Trust and release.

This salve is sweetly reassuring. You don’t really notice the difference until all of a sudden, everything is okay because it just is. This is how things are right now, this is you receiving, adjusting sails. You blink through the tears and smile and breathe. It’s going to be okay.

These salves can’t be seen, but the production factory delivered enough for distribution by way of the magic of the internet, so help yourself. There is enough.

Playing live at the meme beach house — the Fake Band of the Week!

Background. Ez and I make up bands. Stu (retired Bolshevik-fearing voice-to-text software) once invented hanging out at the Meme Beach House“. It’s just one guy.

This week’s band is:

Mitten Full Of Crazy

Thanks, Richard. I’m assuming they’re from Michigan. And since I am also from Michigan, I am going to assume that it’s a rockabilly band made up of people I went to high school with.

Except that makes no sense, because it’s actually just one guy.

Hallo Hallo! I am saying Hallo Hallo. ANNOUNCEMENT.

I will have the new HAT up by Sunday!

In the meantime, I will remind you about the shop and the Sail of Emptying.

That’s it for me …

Join my Friday ritual in the comments if you feel like it. Or call silent retreat!

We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. And we don’t give advice (unless people specifically ask for it).

Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.

Shabbat shalom.

p.s. It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — join in whenever (or not) and it’s no big deal.

The Fluent Self