Because it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.
And you get to join in if you feel like it.
See? I was going to call it a Christmas Chicken but that just sounds too much like something someone might eat.
And we don’t eat the chickens.*
If you missed the Zombie Yule thing, that was yesterday. And yes, it’s still fabulous.
* I think I can safely say that my business partner would not be into that, being a duck and all.
The hard stuff
Weird holiday energy.
It’s like the whole continent goes … off kilter, somehow.
And if you’re have big HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) issues like me**, it’s a lot of having to disentangle yourself from everyone else’s stuff.
** Personally, I prefer “delicate violet” or “sensitive goddamn flower” but what are you going to do.
Three. Entire. Days.
That’s how much time got spent on administrative stuff for my Kitchen Table program this week.
Because of systems problems. Because of a snag where certain established “here’s how we do things” bits turned out to be not as established as previously thought.
Spreadsheets and graphs and an enormous bottle of bourbon Advil.
And a lot of the time I was saying things like this:
“So what you’re saying is that if we can’t have more than 100 people this quarter (which is really 114 people if you include group leaders and admin spots), and we have 16 more spots that are definitely open but it might actually be 27 spots that are open because of this group of haven’t decided if they’re renewing … and if there are 39 people that I can still grant permission to apply, what do I do with the 10 remaining people who got permission to apply two weeks ago but haven’t applied yet? Wait, is that even right?”
And then wondering why I had a headache.
So yes. I learned a bunch of stuff to do differently for next year’s switchover, if there is one, but this was also annoying because I really, truly thought I had already learned all my tough, expensive, painful lessons this year.
An old hurt.
Back for a visit.
Big surprise there.
It was going to be a crazy busy week this week before the Kitchen Table crises started.
Big balagan. And no patience for it.
The good stuff
A few of those tough, expensive, painful lessons got resolved this week.
Lessons. Learned.
And whatever needed to get sorted did — or at least enough that I can move on and not take the crappy-ness into the new year with me.
Flannel sheets. Are the best.
Last week I decided that Hoppy House needed a present.
And bought these outrageously soft, warm flannel sheets in a deep, rich cranberry red.
Since, as we all know, I have big issues around anything that seems “extravagant” (which according to my stucknesses is everything) this involved a lot of talking to my stuff.
So it’s really a double win. One, I talked to my stuff and was able to feel okay bringing more comfort into my life. And then now I get to enjoy Extreme Snuggliness. It’s a sport. I mean, it should be a sport.
In related news, the hardest thing to do this week was get out of bed since it was so completely lovely being in it.
The Kitchen Table.
So much amazingness happens there. My favorite thing is people recognizing where they were a year ago as opposed to where they are now.
The recognition of what it’s like to go from a person who stews and agonizes over every decision and every new step to being the person who knows how to ask for things, how to resolve things, how to set boundaries and how to own their stuff.
It’s beautiful.
Also, reading the applications makes me laugh. The happy kind of laughing. Because they get it.
Also they stay stuff like this:
“Hoping to join in the crazy cake-fight-ful warm-fuzzy-fest that I expect is the Kitchen Table.”
I started listening to music again.
I have hardly been able to listen to anything since finding out about my friend who is dead. There are maybe two albums that don’t make me fall apart.
This week I listened. To lots of things. I even bought some things on iTunes. And a bunch of CDs from the Carolina Chocolate Drops.
And I only cried a few times.
Presents! Cards! Gorgeousness.
Surprises in my mailbox from so many lovely people.
Thank you, all of you.
And … playing live at the meme beach house!
Yes, that’s a Stuism too.
My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”
So this week, I bring you:
Pig Neon Flashing Letters.
This one somehow emerged from the Kitchen Table chatroom so who knows what we were talking about.
But I can definitely assure you that it’s just one guy.
And … STUISMS of the week.
Stu is my paranoid McCarthy-ist voice-to-text software who delights in torturing me misunderstanding me. I can’t stand him.
The gems from this week. What an acetyl.
- last night in a sunny addition to Penthouse instead of “last night on earth zombie gingerbread house”
- Pennock homophobia instead of “enochlophobia“
- if you dismissed the zombie hosting instead of “if you missed the zombie yule thing”
- I was going to Gothic Christmas chicken instead of “I was going to call it a Christmas Chicken”
- hustle the panty comforts instead of “possibility of empty cupboards”
That’s it for me …
And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.
Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?
And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious weekend. And a happy week to come.
Happy Zombie Yule!
The sheets sound wonderful, and I think Gothic Christmas chicken would be decked out in black eyeliner and a studded jacket and maybe a mohawak. Or is that Punk Christmas chicken?
I’d say this week flew by, but I think I say that every week 🙂
The hard:
Still having to make tasty food if I want tasty food. Which is pretty mild on that “hard” scale, but I had two evenings of really angry because I was hungry and wanted real food and we only had tuna casserole and salmon patties (trying to head back to vegetarian/vegan but obviously not there yet).
Feeling really left out in this season of obvious gift giving/receiving. Not getting a few surprise gifts finished (hey, Orthodox Christmas isn’t until January 6).
Izzy being sick on Monday night and Aisha being sick last night.
Izzy being totally degraditated on Sunday night when we discovered that we had not succeeded in treating his guinea pig’s skin condition on our own. Sobbing “I’m a bad pet owner” while I rubbed his back over and over (it does have a happy ending)
The good:
Two weeks off. Really, truly as off as I want to be. No school for the Izzy, no contracts to finish, just time to make new stuff and make plans for the biggification of it in 2010.
There is a small pet vet in town, and we were able to get the guineas in on Monday. They got a shot, and are on antibiotics for the next week, and it only cost $58 to boot.
My friend Lynda ordered a tray of vegan cookies, so I got to try out Isa Chandra’s new book. She was thrilled with the selection, and I made up the difference in what Donkey didn’t need this week. And may I say, Mexican Chocolate Snickerdoodles and Orange Agave Chocolate Chip cookies rock. 🙂
Zim’s Crack Creme. I have been stitching and knitting and doing all of the dishes, and yesterday I could feel my winter skin issue perking up. By evening I did have a crack on my thumb. But I was able to get some of the Crack Creme and this morning the crack has already fused closed and my hands don’t burn like they did yesterday.
I found the answer to Sunday’s kind of whiny VPA by the act of simply baking. Because then I knew I was nurtured. I didn’t even have to eat the stuff. And I found a necklace my aunt gave me when I was 10. It was one of those “I didn’t even know I wanted it until you gave it to me” and I remember her saying to me “I got it for you because I know you like weird stuff” and I felt grokked. Which is what I was really trying to ask for on Sunday, just in a whiney way. 🙂
I also finished the stitching on the rabbit, and today I am heading up to draw the frog prince so I can start him. Yay!
Happy Zombie Yule, y’all!
Merry Zombie Yule! For me, today, part of that is embracing and enjoying the exhaustion, because after, oh, weeks of running around, in circles and zigzags and all sorts of dizzying patterns, today it is just the four of us, watching movies and eating and sleeping, staggering blearily but contentedly from one thing to the next.
The hard this week was all about stress and depletion and running on fumes. I’ve been sleeping far too little, even for me. Hosting a long weekend house party, in a blizzard, followed by three consecutive days of full-time work and driving, driving, driving, braving the insanely crowded stores to get last-minute gifts and treats, with barely a moment to blink, it seemed, before it was time to get up and do it again, amen, even before the morning light came streaming in…
My Shiva Nata practice this week has consisted simply of thinking about it, and knowing that it’s there for me.
Fortunately, the good this week has been very good indeed.
I’m in my second week of this new music therapy gig at the nursing home, and it still feels like a fabulous fit for me. The clients I work with there are a particular subset of my Right People that I adore: weird, wild and wonderful misfits who are happy for connection, happy to share music and relationship with someone who looks them straight in the eye and in the heart.
I’ve been doing some good writing this week, too, and that always feeds my spirit.
And, against all odds, I find myself deeply enjoying this zombified, quiet holiday with my two partners and my ten-year-old daughter. On the fifth day of Solstice, my true loves gave to me…themselves. What could be better?
Glorrrrrrrious, in excelsis Chicken!
.-= Kathleen Avins @spiralsongkat´s last post … If blogging can be therapy, can it also be triage? =-.
This week was good, and is only getting better!
* Meeting a brand-new doctor and worrying about whether he would take me seriously or not.
* Getting into some pro-bono work I had volunteered to do and realizing it’s more complicated than I expected. Oops!
* The doc was great. Totally took me seriously.
* My sweetie moved in with me this week! Woo-hoo!
* I figured out the pro-bono work and did some extra just because I could.
* Wonderful time spent with my sweetie this week, hiking, setting up his stereo, working on his house, sitting around reading. Just lovely.
* Christmas with his family! It’s a good thing. Plus, a little Christmas with my family – just the right amount, not too much. 🙂
.-= Barbara J Carter´s last post … Is Art a Good Christmas Present? =-.
Extreme Snuggliness? Not only is it just one guy, it’s something I want in my house, too. Must find some flannel sheets, stat!
(But we won’t discuss what panty comforts might be or how one might go about hustling them.)
This week was mostly all a blur.
The hard was all the holiday stuff and feeling obligated. And then feeling guilty for feeling obligated.
The good happened when I started to explore how I could make the holidays more pleasant for myself. Or at least more manageable. A dammit list for holiday stuff is in the works.
Plus, tomorrow is my blog’s birthday – it will be one year old!
.-= Victoria Brouhard´s last post … Ten Facts about Me That You May or May Not Find Interesting =-.
“Hustle the panty comforts” is making me laugh. 🙂
This week was all about Christmas, good and bad. And slightly crazy. Here’s to a slightly less off-kilter week next week, for the sensitive goddamn flowers amongst us. Also, so that my children allow me to sleep again, because sleep is my very good friend and I miss her.
.-= Amber´s last post … A Christmas Wish =-.
Boy, just about a year for me, give or take, Havi. I have come a long, long, long way myself.
The hard-
-Dog ate raisins and had to go to the emergency vet (she’s okay)
-Familial scuff and high amperage… not at all bad, relatively (ha.) speaking, though.
-Boy crazy, confusion, self doubt, fear. Then again, a year ago, I was simply trying to breathe after having the wind knocked out of me like I’d been hit by, well, something colossally devastating that ripped me in two. Never thought I’d be the least interested again…. Working on finding just the rightperson to be ‘just one guy’ 😉 Seems to be (slightly)easier the more I find out about who I am!!
The good+
+This Blog
+My sister and I doing a lot of self work and being able to build a real sibling relationship
+my dog is going to be fine after eating 2 cups of raisins (Swedish fruit soup had none as a result this year..) and going to the vet and staying 48 hours….
+So many friends and relatives that are imperfectly wonderfully beautiful and beloved. I have a little posty note that says ‘Wabi Sabi’ and I have no idea where I first came across the term, but I like it.
+I can give myself time to figure myself out.
Thank you for everything, Much love to all-
Flannel sheets are what got me through this week! Mine are forest green. So lovely.
Chicken time…
This week’s hard:
1. Somehow managing to get upset about the holidays despite subtracting normal traditions, gifts, AND all family from my “holidays”, which basically involved eating a lot more than usual. And yet… crazed people in the shops and supermarkets nearly made me cry in several public places. Plus:
2. My partner spending a scary night in the ER due to allergic reaction (he’s apparently fine now, but yikes).
3. Holiday-fuelled yelling. Also, really long, inappropriate one-man political rants at a dinner I was hosting. At high volume. Sudden understanding that prolonged yelling at high volumes has always been kryptonite for me (but this led to Good, actually).
The good:
1. This magical fairy dust stuff works really well against prolonged, high-volume political rants. Yay!
2. Because of no. 1, I remembered to step out and get some quiet when I needed it, instead of taking everything personally and making the usual scene. No casualties!
3. Good friends who come to visit at just the right time. So nice.
Happy Chicken to everyone… whatever you’re doing today, I hope you all have much to celebrate.
@Sarah with the freckles — oh I’m so glad. I mean, I’m not. That sounds really hard. Just that yeah, it’s so helpful when you know what your kryptonite is and can find your way out of it. whew.
I am going to Leave The House now because I think it’s about that time. Also because I think I blew a couple of brain parts trying to get stuff ready for taxes and stressing myself out.
Hugs all around.
Flannel sheets. . . . cranberry red. . . . very pretty and cozy. can see why you wouldn’t wanna get up particularly with the headache!
For me, the good has been the holiday – and that I don’t celebrate it. It’s a day off for us here with lots of great treats.
The hard has been taking a friend to the ER (who is fine but it was up til 4AM with her), the TV which I hate which my son watches from AM to PM because he says there’s nothing else to do – argh!!!
More good – sleeping again. Yeah!
Have a great weekend everyone.
.-= Char´s last post … How The Littlest Things Can Make The Biggest Difference In Your Life and In Your Health =-.
I had a very good week indeed! And I know just what you mean about flannel sheets, especially the first night or two after it’s washed and it smells like clean laundry. Mmmm.
The Hard
– Hadn’t had much energy for Chickening this month, which bears mentioning as I skipped last week.
– Busy with a dose of tired, and a slight chance of sicky, though I’m trying to rest up and fight it off.
– Had a bit of a disappointment this weekend, but it all worked out in the end.
– Overall displeased with the holiday season in my Etsy shop, and uncertain if all the effort it would take to properly promote it would actually be worth the effort.
The Good
+ I love the holidays! I just do, despite all the commercialism and nasty entitlement and whatnot, they’re awesome.
+ Pausing my Christmas Muppets to watch… more Christmas Muppets on Hulu. So awesome.
+ Food and friends and cookies and baking and being on vacation, at least for a day or so.
+ Big Client seems less Doom-y, and so my end of year panic is somewhat alleviated.
+ New clients who are awesome, and old client wanting new work, and getting to work with other awesome peoples again. In general, being happy with the way the design biz is moving along.
+ Presents! Mum gave me the Procrastination Dissolve-o-Matic, and I’ve even read part of it *cough* Though really I’ve been too busy doing things to read it, haha! A few other neat things as well, but that was the big one.
+ All my gifts and cards are taken care of! 4 of the mailed-out packages will show up next week, but at least they’re off.
+ Kittehs were amused by their Christmas toys, in their way.
+Did I mention I love the holidays?
.-= Amy Crook´s last post … Happy Christmas Commission =-.
This has been quite the interesting couple of weeks. I’m condensing cause I haven’t done this in a while.
The Hard:
1. Having a flight canceled which resulted in standing at the airport on an incredibly long line which caused me to miss the flight that was rescheduled. Deciding then to turn around and go home because at least I had a home to go to and I could let the poor stranded people get someplace warm. But that meant not getting to see Mom for Christmas.
2. Guilt over the fact that I really wasn’t too bothered by not getting on that 7 hr flight. And actually wanted to stay home for a couple more days with the boyfriend.
3. Arguing with the BF because he wanted me to go home to meet the family which would have been a Really Bad Idea.
4. Being alone here for the weekend when everyone has left town.
5. Hearing that the BF’s family were told about me by the BF’s ex. Expecting that things may be a little tense there. (See bullet #3)
The Good:
1. Gloriously alone for the Xmas weekend. Miss the BF, but kinda digging the solitude.
2. Went to see a movie by myself which was pretty cool.
3. Heading out of town with BF in a few days.
4. Getting a chance to practice sovreignty in the face of drama.
Ahh Havi – I’m totally with you on the flannel sheets. Some days – like yesterday – I wish I could just wrap myself in them and hide from the oppressive cheeriness. But, alas. So I cuddle up in the flannels at night with my trusty hot water bottle, and life gets easy again for a while.
After yesterday, I’ve reached the firm opinion that my family doesn’t know me at all. You know, two years ago I asked for gifts of their time rather than more “stuff”. None could do it. Well, one tried, but it didn’t happen. And yesterday, I just sat there wanting to cry. (I know, not at all adult. Oh well.)
So my plan for Christmas 2010 is to trade the holiday madness for a warm, quiet beach somewhere. Oh, what I’d give to do that today in fact. But time will pass quickly. Between now and then, I want to do some major sovereignty work so my armor won’t be so easily broken down as it was yesterday. For today, my goal is just to keep breathing and letting go.
I hope today is much softer and more gentle for you as well my friend. Stay warm. Stay cozy. Just breathe. – gail
.-= Gail McConnon´s last post … Christmas Eve Wishes and Holiday Cheer! =-.
Um, happy Kwazaa? It starts today I think…so to anyone celebrating that particular version of the light’s rebirth, happy happy.
Flannel sheets. Yes. They are wonderful, aren’t they? I switch over to flannel in November usually. Our upstairs has no heat. (Literally. The heat in our house only goes to the first floor.) So drastic blankety measures must be taken.
So chicken.
Hard this week?
-I guess in a way this is one of those balanced hard-good things, because at least I REALIZED what is going on this time. But all the holiday stuff? I realized last night that spending that many hours surrounded by other people, who are all shouting at the top of their lungs as I inwardly repeat (“Please use your inside voice. Please use your inside voice”) is just as overwhelming as going to a business conference and having to repeatedly have your hand shook and cheek kissed by virtual strangers. That’s really it. I’m drained now, and looking forward to driving two hours in the falling snow to my parents’ house, where I will again face the onslaught of loud. Though because my father is just as much of a needs-quiet person as me, I will probably be able to find some respite.
-I still like the holidays, singing silly songs, playing with the Little Bird and watching her enjoy the magic. It’s worth it to upset my internal balance for a few days to see her having so much fun.
-I’m sure there’s more, but I’m still so immersed in the grand tour that is holiday every year that I can’t think beyond checking the weather to see how crappy this drive is going to be. (Though watching the snow fall over the flatness that is Illinois? I find it beautiful….always a silver lining).
Happy happy everyone!
.-= Emily´s last post … Can I Cheat Just a Little Bit? Cool Tool, Via the Web =-.
Happy Chicken, happy holidays, happy solstice everyone!
chickening on a Saturday, first time ever!
So this week…
The Hard:
trying not to stress on the family/holiday stuff
watching poor wife get a cold as soon as she stopped work
The Good
Seeing my family, particularly spending some Good Time with my little brother and sister.
Giggling at stupid stuff with little bro and sis. excellent to share jokes and silliness
my mother-in-law’s outstanding home-made sausage rolls
spending an hour and half in the kitchen making special sweet potato and feta “sausage” rolls while watching the last two ever episodes of Defying Gravity on my macbook pro.
the beautiful, shiny fountain pen that wife bought me for christmas…
peaceful holidays all.
First of all, flannel sheets are awesome and made of love. Now you may have inspired me to go buy my own.
The Hard:
-Being away for the holidays and missing my animals. It sounds silly, but my dogs are such a presence in my life. I really miss their positive and supporting energy.
-Being the shy person in a group of outgoing people. I feel like people think I’m anti-social, and I’m not. I just don’t want to invade anyone’s conversation space.
-The usual worries of starting a business. Making a plan to sit down and talk to my stuckness that says that this can’t possibly work later-hopefully I can reason with it.
The Good:
-Having an actual business plan. Revamping the site, creating a store, creating more products for all kinds of budgets. All hard, but all good, and I finally feel like I’m on the right track with things.
-Getting up the courage to think about applying for the Kitchen Table program. I’ve been wanting to for ages, and didn’t think I was of the right caliber, but I think I’ve finally convinced myself that I can do it.
-Doing a little better at balancing my personal life with my work life. Still not a lot of personal, but there’s more of it than there was.
Happy Zombie Holidays to all, I hope you had a wonderful day and can resolve your stucknesses as painlessly as possible!
.-= Holly´s last post … Merry Christmas! =-.
About flannel sheets: Making the bed a warm cozy happy place really does make everything a little nicer. Self-care, baby!
About this:
My favorite Stuisms (like this one) are the ones that hint at an alternate timeline that runs parallel to our own. I especially enjoy the ones (like this one) where, really, can you be sure which one is your reality and which one is Stu’s?
.-= Tracy´s last post … Holding Zone =-.
Your new sheets sound perfect for this weather!
The hard:
– Had epiphany one where I realized that apparently the reason I don’t do things like eat when I’m hungry is because I think that everything I do related to self-care is selfish. (In a bad way, not a good way.) Because I’ve been told I’m selfish for years.
– Had epiphany two where I realized that I am horribly, deeply, down-to-the-bones sad – because all this holiday stuff that tells you that family is the only thing that matters is reminding me that unless I go to a certain church, I don’t really have part of my family anymore.
– The usual, “but he’s a dog, he doesn’t even know what day it is” .. from people who don’t understand why I don’t want to board my dog for the holiday so I can visit family (ha-ha) or don’t want to have him stay home alone for the day while I go somewhere.
– Epiphanies resulted in lots of sobbing .. which is not really making for an enjoyable holiday season.
The good:
– I was able to give myself what I needed right now – which was to decline everything and spend time doing some of my favorite things – a very long hike with the pup, a movie, a nap, and nachos.
– Though I might complain about them, the epiphanies .. because now I can work with them.
– Sunshine.
.-= Elizabeth´s last post … wishing you every blessing =-.
Chipper, cheery chicken everyone!
The hard:
– so much Stuff around the holidays it’s nearly impossible for me not to sink into a funk so deep and dark no one sees me again until Mid-January. It truly feels like a war, in which imaginary versions of me are popping out of foxholes and flinging issues at real me. All around hard.
– trying to be cheerful around the hippie husband because he can’t understand why, when we get x-mess our way for three whole years now, I still have Stuff lurking around from the previous 35+ bad ones.
– was making real progress with the shivanata and writing, progress that came to screeching halt three days ago and now I’m getting all resentful and cranky because I’m not comfortable enough yet with the art of the ask. Harumph!
The good:
+ Successfully navigated a holiday without injury or sickness.
+ Got on a writing streak that lasted for nearly three days – made a post and a more “me” about me page.
+ Found new ways to incorporate shivanata into my morning routine and started getting some BING moments.
.-= Casey´s last post … Writing =-.
Oh, I’m all about the celebration of light-in-darkness too – that’s what this is all about, for me.
I have to laugh, though, at the stories of people’s Quiet Christmases, because we hosted, for the first time this year, my family’s gigundous performative extravaganza, which has been set in stone for aeons. And it was about as quiet as you’d expect when 21 people sit down to a huge 3-hour meal… (For the record – because oh look, I can’t bear to take undue credit – the cooking was very much a joint effort by all the involved households.)
In Ireland in January, people often ask each other, “How did you survive the Christmas?” It does have that feeling of achievement and survivorship, really!
HARD this week:
– Stressing about presents. (It all got sorted in the end.)
– Christmas Eve, realising on the way to my uncle’s house that I’d forgotten to remind them about the dairy sensitivity; dining on stale bread, hummus (decent, but still), and soup from a carton; feeling really embarrassed.
– My mother being upset about some family stuff.
– Completely failing to make any time for my poor blog.
GOOD this week:
+ The Christmas itself actually went amazingly well. OK, we sat down to eat two hours later than planned, but it was astonishingly relaxed, and there was plenty of everything, and people were in good form, and it just worked.
+ Best bit: I got to make the desserts, so I was able to eat ALL of them! Mixed berry sorbet and pecan-vanilla vegan ice-cream – yum.
+ Other best bit: watching my boys having what looked like a totally joy-filled day.
+ Two days previously, hosting our annual solsticetide party. For an introvert, I’m oddly partial to having a load of friends around.
+ Seeing lots of a really close friend who lives in San Francisco and comes to Ireland twice a year.
+ That Carolina Chocolate Drops track you linked to in your Item! post. OMG! I’ve listened to it so many times, and it’s on permanent loop in my head. So good. Kazoooooooooo!
.-= Lean Ni Chuilleanain (@leannich)´s last post … Spring Two Steps Forward, One Step Back =-.
It’s been a busy week. The Good: spending time with family. Had a really great couple of days. Loved seeing how excited the nieces were about the new hamster, which I had the honor of taking care of the week before Christmas before she was gifted. I think my heart needs an animal in the house to be happy. Might be time for a pet of my own.
The Bad: the After Christmas Crash in which the migraines have been intolerable. Been barfing for 2 days now. Also realizing how much in my life needs to change for me to be happy and feeling overwhelmed and not knowing where to start. But that could maybe also go in the Good column.
Happy Zombie Yule!
.-= Vickie´s last post … Merry Christmas! =-.
I don’t care how extremely late I’m getting into last week’s Chicken. I just had to say:
I wouldn’t miss that for anything!
Had a good Christmas with my side of the family and got back from Oklahoma yesterday. Yippee for computer and the intertubes!
I hope everyone has a good week, and I will see you at this Friday’s Chicken.
.-= Shawna R. B. Atteberry´s last post … Company Girl Coffee: Twas the Week Before Christmas =-.
Gothic Christmas Chicken? “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”
Flannel sheets are the best! Every bed in our house got a set for Christmas this year.