Because it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.
And you get to join in if you feel like it.
Friday is clearly wearing extra-soft sneakified ninja slippers because ohmygod here it is and I didn’t even hear it coming.
I would protest. But I’m too tired.
The hard stuff
Being so completely wiped out from last week that I missed this week.
After that crazy week of getting the Playground ready to open, and then teaching all weekend, I crashed ridiculously hard.
Went to bed Sunday at two in the afternoon.
Stayed there until Wednesday at noon. Getting out of bed to teach teleclasses and then crawling right back in.
Having way too much to do.
And no energy to do it.
Body, meet brain.
Off my yoga practice. Off the morning walks.
A little Shiva Nata to stay sharp, but other than that really missing my body.
It’s all part of this new thing, but some adjustments are necessary and I’m really feeling that.
Blah, blah, transitions.
And the mini-identity-crises that come along with them.
The good stuff
The opening of the Playground: outrageous success!
Despite all the last-minute things and the running around, the Playground looked fabulous by Friday morning.
And everyone just loved it.
Oh, the joy.
Learning things from the first experience of teaching at the Playground.
Like that I need to completely rewrite the schedule for all my upcoming events.
And that Camp Biggification was actually too big and I need to divide it up (don’t worry — if you haven’t already heard from me, you’re fine, sweetie).
Every teaching space is different. And what you can do in it is different. That’s one of the main reasons for opening the studio: not having to get used to new spaces.
So. Learned a lot of useful, surprising things. Glad to have that information.
My group was amazing.
We did the most beautiful, wacky, transformational things. And jumped around. And laughed. And made things happen.
It was absolutely wonderful.
Plus I love the stage that my gentleman friend built. Having a home for teaching Shiva Nata is the best thing in the entire world.
My Bitchy Boozy Coaching day thing.
It’s turning out to be way too much fun.
I will have to do this again.
Epiphanies. All over the place.
I cannot stop scribbling.
So. Many. Good. Ideas.
Not worrying about the two things I’ve been the most worried about lately.
So that’s a huge relief.
Taking it easy.
I spent a lot of this week doing things that weren’t related to the business.
Staring out the window at the rain.
But for me.
This coming week = yay.
There’s the Shiva Nata teacher training. And Camp Biggification!
The fun. It will be epic.
And … playing live at the meme beach house!
Yes, that’s a Stuism too.
My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”
This week’s FBOTW (Fake Band of the Week — and also a dreaded acronym):
And that’s Meta-loaf, not Metal Oaf, even though that’s also probably just one guy.
That’s it for me …
And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.
Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?
And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day and a restful weekend-ing.
And a happy week to come. Shabbat shalom.
Havi, I’m so glad you’re having success with the playground and your coaching! 🙂
My week was pretty okay until yesterday.
The hard:
* Money. I know it’s kind of déclassé to talk about it, but my Big Giant Difficulty this week is money. I have bills coming up that I can’t NOT pay without being homeless, and I’m really, really stuck on ways to pay them. I’m working as hard as I can, but I’m still freaking out.
* I feel like I’m being judged if I do Shiva Nata in the living room, because we have LOTS of windows in that room facing the street. There’s nowhere else in the house I can do it, though.
The good:
* I have a new netbook, which lets me do a lot of things that I haven’t been able to do since my Real Computer died. (Use Photoshop, for one thing.)
* Holly’s coming home today after two weeks in Europe, and I have never been so happy to have to drive to the airport.
* I have a lot of emotional support (some from REALLY unexpected places), which is helpful because otherwise I’d be a shivering ball in the corner.
* My Delight Consultation giveaway was more successful than I thought it would be, so yay!
Love to all~
.-= Chris Anthony´s last post … Sometimes, you got nothin’ =-.
Just looking back and I realized I hadn’t done a proper chicken in more than a month of Fridays – whaaaat??
The Hard
I keep getting jammed up in something and I don’t know yet what or whose it is (because I keep feeling like it’s not mine and yet there it is). It’s actually like jam. You know jam that you wiped up but didn’t quite get. On the surface it looks clean but then when your hand lands on the spot where the jam was – shctikee. *sigh*
And for some reason everytime I go to type sigh I add a t. veeery interesting
The Good – I got an invisbile sales page up in a sneakified way thanks to a new friend thinking about me and becoming an external motivator. Ah new friend. I like you. A lot. I also learned that I work best in 2’s. Which is a huge insight and will require much testing to find the boundaries and exactly what that might mean.
And Mahala at this week and her mention of the Maitri Meditation. Yes! Thank you so much Mahala. that combined with tonglen has helped so much of the hard become softer.
Three cheers to all the Chickeneers.
Hoping the crashness has worn off.
The hard:
– my left foot has stopped working. Right now, I can barely walk around the house. Hopefully it’ll ease it up soon with anti-imflammatories and rest and excercises but it’ll be a minimum of three months to a year until it’s better.
– the mini-meltdown that resulted from being told this
– the stuff that is everywhere
– allergies of doom
The good:
– planning a weekend with my brother and cousin
– bitcy boozy coaching. Yay! And thanks.
– realising I can get a discount on Adobe stuff
– losing my purse and then getting it back with everything still in it – thank goodness for honest people
– getting Thesis set up
– seeing a doctor that prescribed yoga asanas as well as pills
– working on an editing project – so interesting and there was colour coding too
Goodness. I did it again and missed the e-mail notify checkbox.
Holy moly, what incredible work, Havi. I can’t really imagine taking on such a massive project; seems to me the only motivator would be love for my people. 🙂 And you definitely show that you have that in spades.
My week:
The Hard:
-Commuting so darned far to work.
-Damn wart is coming back. No, that’s not a metaphor!
The Good:
+There isn’t much hard!
+Motivated to do stuff at work, and feel productive and useful.
+Started writing again. I mean writing.
+Noticing the writing schedule has improved my mood.
+Starting a new training regimen next week – which should help strengthen my back and hopefully make me look hot. :-p
+Fun coworkers.
.-= Dawn´s last post … Being Stationary =-.
Hi, Friday!
This week’s hard:
-Sleep (lack thereof). We’re in thunderstorm season and I’m living in a house with a very storm-phobic little dog. We’re finally getting her to take the treats that are supposed to help with that, so I’m hoping this will improve, if the weather forecasts will just get a little more accurate…
-Broken heart. A friend has made a lot of choices that I don’t agree with, but so far they’d all been things that I could pretend weren’t there. Last weekend there was finally a choice that I can’t ignore and won’t go away. So there has been sad.
This week’s good:
-Fun at the volunteer gig.
-Making things. Promising myself that we’ll make things more often.
-New allergy medication working well so far. Yay!
-Getting caught up on things, or at least less behind.
-Routine getting better. Not all the way there yet, but better, and I will absolutely take that.
Hugs for everybody’s hard and happy dances for good. I hope it’s a fabulous weekend!
Metaloaf. I like.
The Hard:
-Way stuck this week around pretty much everything.
-I haven’t been present. Way too much longing for other places/other times.
-Stuck around how to move my business forward while still having time to enjoy life. Really, moving things forward and enjoying life seem like they should go hand in hand. It’s just not happening, though.
The Good:
-I finally completed the editing of my first paid photo session and put some of the photos up on my blog. Felt like it took so long, but it also feels complete now.
-I got some great exercise last night, and I think I need to make more time for exercise in order for other things to come more naturally.
-Flight prices seem to be dropping, so I may actually get to visit home this summer/fall.
-I realized that spending time with friends is really important to my happiness. So I’m making time for that this weekend.
A lovely weekend, with lots of sleep, to all.
.-= Kylie´s last post … prancing unicorns (and some portraits) =-.
I wish you a heaping helping of good fairy wishes, Havi. And also some for Selma because she’s amazing, too. <3
Ahoy Chickeneers! Hello, Friday.
This week in Kailand~
The Bad:
~Being sleepy all the time.
~Having my rituals and routines mixed up like crazy.
~Feeling cranky and restless. Yuck.
The Good:
~Connecting with my body in fantastic ways. I love you, body.
~Being mildly-and-gently-assertive about my needs. With success,even!
~Volunteering to help run HRC's booth at the Pride Event next weekend.
~Buying my first japa mala, made of lotus seed beads with carnelian markers.
~Finding a bit of myself. Or at least a map to where part of me may be hiding.
Havi, this is one of those times that Metaphor Mouse shows his true and ongoing genius… new mothers are always exhausted and need extra support, LOTS of naps, and reminders to take care of themselves as well as the baby. What we need is a gift basket thing for new-thing-parents. Teas. New Comfy Jammies. Mindless reads. Plenty of hugs and coupons for babysitting.
Cluckity CLUCK! CLUCK.
The Hard:
– Money not going as far as it should have
– General-not-feeling-good. Bah.
– Stuck-Stuck-STUCK in the Right Brain Business Plan course I’m taking, and it’s all my stuckness, not the course.
– The mess. argh.
– The puppy ate the cord to my new eBook reader!
– Client still hasn’t paid. Hrrmph.
The Good:
– Domain name registered. Awesome.
– Circus website IN PROGRESS. YAY!
– Client not paying frees me from the mindzapping work. YAY!
– I ordered a Tibetian Bowl just because the mp3 of it’s sound made my back tingle. Yay!
– No fights! Even during the TWO long weekends. Whoa.
– New eBook reader ROCKS and I love that i can take notes on it. I actually think this might be a great organizational tool for me.
– I love the various vitamin waters. Yes, they are stoopid expensive. No, they aren’t all that healthy. Yes, the ones I drink have artificial sweeteners. But I like the taste. A lot. And I will have them!
I’m with Tori on this one… new mom’s need LOTS of rest, but of course are loathe to take it. For some reason they seem to think it makes them “bad mothers”, when in reality, it leads to them being super-moms!
Have to admit, my stomach did a little wonky when I read about Camp Biggification being broken up… but since I haven’t heard anything, it relaxed a little 🙂
This week… what a weird (but mostly good… but weird) week.
The Hard;
* Realizing that I love my (day)job, but can’t stand my boss… which is related to
* Wanting nothing more than to call in “done” and just never go back to working for someone else… which is related to
* Oh holy bejesus, what am I gonna do about the MONEY?! so yeah, money is crazy tight, and I’m kind of wondering how bills are going to be paid over the next couple of months… stressful 🙁
* Which is related to so much body pain I just want to lay in bed and do nothing
* And yet I seem to be incapable of doing nothing lately, so I’m still hurting, and not laying in bed. le sigh.
* Speaking of bed, not nearly enough sleep this week… too many early mornings followed by late night not-wanting-to-stop-what-I’m-doing-and-go-to-bed moments
But the Good? oh so VERY good!
* Made it to the networking type thing with the really nice local business owners that I actually like
* Which led to making an appointment with the most amazing body-work practitioner, so that maybe my body can stop yelling at me so much
* Plus, got a couple potential client leads, which will hopefully help with the whole eek! Money! thing
* I get to have a Delighteneer consultation with Chris later this month, super happy face 🙂
* Participating in Binduwiles’ 21*5*800 challenge; the writing is flowing, and the yoga feels ever so good on my poor body
* Enjoying savasana as a daily routine… and loving that it qualifies as yoga practice!
* It’s Friday! which means only a few more days till I get to head up to Portland 😀
Happy Friday Chicken everyone! Here’s to hoping your weekend holds more good than hard!
.-= Heidi´s last post … Review; Monster Manual & Coloring Book (of doom!) =-.
I’m very happy to hear the Playground is groovin’ along. Yay!
As for my week,
the Hard: Weather changes keep messing with my sinuses. Feeling a bit, well, under the weather and tired.
Struggling with indecision-induced paralyzation. (Huh, dictionary’s not convinced that’s a word. I could swear it is, but I must be misspelling it. Grr.)
the Good: Got a couple pair of shorts, so when the warm weather returns, I will have the option of wearing hole-less shorts. (Doesn’t mean I will necessarily, but if I feel like being less scruffy, I can.)
Came to grips with the Zag yesterday and wrote about it. Not sure I’m ready to embrace course corrections in all areas of my life, but it’s a good start.
Finally began the work that involves backtracking (though not actually from scratch) that I thought I’d decided to do and then promptly put off for almost 2 weeks.
.-= claire´s last post … It’s OK to Zag. =-.
Hooray Hooray Hooray for the playground. Singing and dancing the playground-celebration dance for you. It seems like giving a thing a home must be wonderful.
Is it Friday? Whoa. Week of slackitude for me. Sort of. In other ways, not so much. Balance, where have you gone?
-Hmmmm…body ouch. I don’t feel like it’s worth complaining about though, because compared to other people’s ouchiness, it’s nothing. Nothing at all. Still. Ouch.
-Still meeting with resistance, from myself, on things that I’d like to be doing but have developed blocks around. Still resisting meeting the resistance. Weird, that.
-Ethical dilemmas at the worky-work. Always hate to cross a line, and keep getting pushed right up to it. Ick. Makes me feel…icky.
-Husband is off the traveling (though still gone every weekend), and I’ve been enjoying getting to know him again. Time-space. It is a good thing.
-At least recognizing the resistance and knowing it’s time to have a chat. Even if I’m resisting that too. I’ll get there. Allowing myself to get there. Maybe I need to define and beginning and end…hmmm, thinky-thinking.
-Motivation to create things, to write things. Growing.
-Having the nerve to share something I wrote with the husband. It was something I wrote for him. I never share my writing with him. I couldn’t tell him it was mine until I knew he liked it, but once I knew he liked it, it felt good to share. Must remember to be brave like this more often. Braver, even. He shares everything he creates with me. I need to be more willing to expose my flaws. Fear, fear, fear, fear. But, learning. Trust. It’s a tricky thing. Even after this many years…
.-= Emily´s last post … Messenger in the Bottle =-.
Glad you allowed yourself some time to recover from the crashing. Hope you’re feeling all better now. 🙂
The hard;
– My hurt doggie. She could almost not walk all weekend. Spent every second with her to help her get around and stuff. Feeling sad for her, feeling guilty for not taking her to emergency vet, feeling unsure where to take her on Monday because I was currently with out vet. Exhausting.
-not working on my website at all because I was with my doggie.
– Not knowing if my office roommate moving or not. Wanting her to move, but trying not counting my chickens!
– Still dealing with the root canal, but the swelling has finally started going down lets hope it sticks.
– wanting things done but not having time energy or know how to make it happen.
The good;
-Chose to go back to my old vet (who isn’t really my old vet just his office and staff). My doggie was well cared for and has elbow dysplasia plus arthritis. Meds have made her feel much much better.
-My teacher told me to take another week off from working on my website just to rest and recover from all that has been happening, and that feels really good.
-Two new clients booked multiple sessions with me. ;D and I cried because people are actually paying me for my thing. sniff sniff.
-My office roommate is moved out! Which opens up all kinds of time and space for me to do my thing!
-meals delivered to my door all week long! Hooray for no cooking!
-Acupuncture today!
-Massage tomorrow!
-Oh and 12 days without having to do my stinky dog grooming job that pays the bills but kills my body! Ahhhh.
-seeing what it feels like to not groom dogs and instead meet with clients, and it feels good!
Yippee for the playground!
Wow – it’s Friday, again? Where did the week go? How did it get to be June? How is it that I will be 49 later this month? That is way too close to 50 for my taste. I was 28 just the other day, really.
The Hard:
– Having to get up at 4:30am four mornings this week for work. Ugh.
– Right knee not feeling like it is fitting together properly. Lots of popping & clicking and some pain & swelling. Not happy about getting older.
– Pushy client + overworked lawyer = no progress on the research contract
– After months of being told I’d have to talk to outside counsel about the messy situation at work, it is finally happening on Monday. Ugh.
– Trying to teach the same evening the local hockey team was in the decisive game for the Stanley Cup. No one would answer any of my questions. I really like teaching when it is interactive. This was not. Left that evening feeling like I should seek a different profession.
– Getting course evaluations for the last semester. Got taken to task for some material that I inherited from others that was very poorly organized. Got taken to task for not pronouncing some technical terms correctly.
The Good:
– Having a job with benefits that I enjoy!
– I can still walk and know that the knee thing is temporary
– The lawyer’s delay is actually a gift of time since schoolwork is sucking up all available time.
– Maybe by talking to outside counsel I will finally be able to put this messy situation behind me and move on.
– Good talk with one of the students from the hockey night class. I really didn’t suck that bad and she said it was the distraction of the game that kept them from talking. Next week will be better.
– Despite being nailed by a couple of students on the evaluations, others were more positive and acknowledged that I had been put in a bad situation by having to pick up teaching this class at the last minute. I probably don’t suck as much as I perceive I do and I do acknowledge that the class wasn’t up to my own high standards. But I did the best I could given the circumstances.
Have a great week!
@Gadgetgirl – wow. Happy almost birthday (sorry for the pain of the weird, uncomfortable number). And glad you had the reminder that it’s not you, it’s hockey and circumstances. Hard!
@Trish – yay for all the good, and for situations resolving themselves.
@Emily – ooh sharing writing. Brave you. So happy that it was a healing good thing.
@Claire – with you on the Zag.
@Heidi – yay savasana. Can’t wait to see you!
@Tori – hugs!
@Kai – a map!
@kylie – yes to the sleeps please 🙂
@beth – so sorry to hear about the broken-heartedness. That’s no fun at all. Wishing ease and peaceful resolutions.
@Dawn – wow, that’s the second (third?) time you’ve had a week without a lot of hard. I love it.
@jane – love to your foot, sweetie
@LaShae – I just adore your sight sighs. That is perfect. It makes me laugh the way I do when I type “relationshiop” every single time.
@Chris – oh no, sorry that yesterday came and screwed things up. Sending wishes for a happy new week.
Great that you got some rest…Sometimes the forced collapse is the only way to take what you need. : )
You are working so hard. I’m inspired and happy I get to hang out here and hear about it.
I’m gonna break a rule – YUP – and not check in. It would be far too long and RE-DUN-DANT.
Just want to say hi to you and wish you a sweet, warm, joyful weekend over in Land of Oregonia.
crispy latkes
Hi! Short chicken!
The hard:
– An iguana fiesta. With lots of iguana bed times.
– Too much go-go-go and no transitions. Just an end and then run to somewhere else and start the next thing.
– Such a long week. I can’t even remember Monday to comment on it. It may as well have been last year.
– Boyfriend tossing and turning all night and keeping me awake.
The good:
– The sun sets on even the longest day. It’s Friday. I work four more hours then I’m done!
– Good yoga practice on Wednesday.
– World Cup time! I really enjoy the World Cup!
Have a good weekend everyone! 🙂
Wishing rest and restoration to everyone. Myself included.
Delight this week was writing a blog post in community with Hiro, Jen, and Susan. It also brought up painful feelings of I don’t belong, not as good as, etc. Completely unexpected. Hard.
LaShae, bless you for your words about my post here. I’m so happy I could make some of your hard softer. Somewhere along the way I misplaced my ability to feel I’m serving anyone or drink in the feedback and feel nourished. But if you’re including me here (!) as part of the good in your week, I want to clear away whatever is blocking me and really be able to take in what you’re saying. It does mean so much to me.
.-= Mahala Mazerov´s last post … When Stories Hurt =-.
The universe is piling on the Things to Do, but I know I can get on top of it. I just have to muster up the brains. Caffeine and sleep are gonna be my friends this next few weeks, man.
The Hard:
– Zombie Amy want brainz, as I seem to have misplaced my own.
– I did the big brain dump to-do list thing which usually helps the overwhelm but damn, that is a really big list.
– Idonwanna Iguanas all over the place.
– My art & Etsy sales have totally lost all momentum despite me keeping up the posting and tweeting and stuff.
– I’m feeling pulled in too many directions, but until the art stuff picks up, I still have to do all the design marketing, plus the actual work, and of course keep making art. Plus preparing for a trip, and finding money to do all those trip-prep things.
The Good:
+ Finished Fabeku’s cartoon & posted it to much love.
+ Finished cartoon of mermaid Wendy & bunny Amy for our sekrit project, and will post monday. Excited!
+ Color Clinic call rehearsal went really well.
+ I won a Delight Consultation from Chris Anthony & it’s in about 20 minutes, so I’d better do this quick. Heh.
+ I made cupcakes! And got some pretty good whisky. And I have tea.
+ Daily art is daily! And slowly people are commenting more, esp since I started posting the link to FB & doing a 2nd evening tweet of the art posts.
+ Had a magnificent call with Sinclair. I’m trying to convince her she wants to be a cartoon so I can afford another one sooner. 😉 Also drew some great stuff like a monster playmate for my inner 5yo, and a goblin who will help protect me from thrown shoes & keep the keys to the playhouse.
+ Have I mentioned I have a leopard print chaise lounge? It is awesome for lounging. Was reminded at how much comfort I really have built into my life, and how that’s really cool.
+ Also, cuddly cats are cuddly, though right now they’re off sleeping in the warm afternoon sun.
.-= Amy Crook´s last post … Whorls and Turns =-.
the hard:
–a really, really hard, erm, moontime this month led to me being weepy and hurt and generally plech-y for two days
–exam week! grading for hours a day is just not fun, even if it all eventually gets done.
–kids crying from stress during finals week. kids brokenhearted by stupid stupid grades.
–still no place to live in jerusalem this summer and, since i leave in three weeks, i’m a little stressed out. finding a place is hard in general, but from overseas? sheesh. it’s been un-fun.
the good:
-school is OVER! 11 weeks of vacation!!!!!
um, that’s the best and biggest good all year!
Phew, Friday, chicken time, I missed last week.
The hard:
– EXHAUSTION, pretty massive, ongoing exhaustion (so thanks to Havi for making me feel that the wish to spend a few days in bed is allright and to Mahala for the wishes for rest and restoration)
– Sore throat.
– Being thrown back into my own past during a week of re-training for a job that I did before and uncertainty about whether I like this or not.
– Worried that when the job comes up I will mess things up because the woman I will replace seems to competent and good at stuff I am not good at (Excel charts for example…).
– Husband’s employer adamant that he has to go working abroad again in a year. Lots of implications for me and worries what will happen then and how compatible our plans are.
The good:
– Coming back to a place where I worked before and feeling so welcomed and still part of the place. Happy about so many familiar faces.
– An email from J.
– An email from C.
Hhm, somehow the hard seems to prevail, don’t like this…
Is it Friday already?!?
– Getting info from the rescue group lady isn’t always easy. She’s busy. I hate to wait on people. It’s a conflict I have to live with. Fortunately, she’s a wonderful person and I like her a lot.
– Having plenty of work to do at the office, not wanting to do it, and not really knowing why.
– Not enough sleep, plus waking up BEFORE the alarm goes off every single day. Irritates me.
– Having a budget and actually living by it. Hard. Realizing that if I don’t live by my budget, there will be more month than money. Harder. I haven’t had to worry about such things in a while.
– Mom-duty this weekend. And Idonwanna. Not because I don’t like hanging out with my mom, but because it involves shopping. For shoes. And I hate to shop. Especially for shoes.
– Body not cooperating. New pains. So tired of this!
– My little foster dog, Callie, is less terrified of things every day. I see a glimmer of trust, even.
– I have a lovely boss, and I work for a great company. Not nearly as much corporate BS as there is everywhere else I’ve worked.
– Even though I haven’t slept enough, the sleep I’ve gotten has been good sleep.
– I’m sure I’ll have a good time with my mom, despite the shopping thing. I just called her to rearrange our schedule so we can watch the soccer match tomorrow afternoon. Of course she agreed!
– Fantastic chiro who put my jaw back in place and did a lot of work on my feet and neck. Still sore, but better. I do have confidence that he’ll figure out what’s going on and how to fix it.
Happy Friday, everyone!!
.-= Sherron´s last post … This is what I was born to do =-.
To Havi: celebrations for the good! way to go on opening the playground – can’t wait to visit. ouch for the hard.
Here’s my Chicken…
The Hard
* Telling the boy who I’ve been in love with for the past three years – who I married, and who I separated from five weeks ago – that I have fallen in love with someone else. Who happens to be the one person in the world that my ex-partner/husband really can’t deal with me being in love with, for complicated reasons.
* The ensuing painfulness on his side due to the above, leading to my ex-partner/husband, who I love and care for dearly, deciding that he never wants to speak to me again. Except to sort out a divorce.
* The grief of dealing with someone I love and adore never wanting to speak to me again.
The Good
* Being surrounded by the most amazing support network of friends and family
* Being totally head-over-heels in love with someone who is practicing sovereignty like a muvvafluffa
* Other un-typable awesomenesses related to the above
* Chocolate tea!
Hey, this Chickening thing ain’t so bad after all…
Good golly, is it chicken time again? Wow!
The hard…
– Ouchiness when riding my recumbent. Not sure why it hurts this year, because it didn’t in past years. (Unless losing weight has given me less “cushion”.)
– Realizing for the second time this year that I tend to put some people on pedestals, and it really hurts me when something they do disappoints me. I need to remember they aren’t superheroes, they are just people. Not fair to expect people to be perfect.
– Oh the overwhelm. Will it ever stop?
The good…
– Made some progress this week on several projects. Yay!
– Actually blogged some. ’bout time.
– Although there was ouchiness, at least I did ride my bike this week. Once.
.-= Avonelle Lovhaug´s last post … What kind of emergency support do you need? =-.
Hey there, Chickeneers! Let me explain — no. There is too much. Let me sum up…
–Beautiful, exotic, long-anticipated garments arrived today from India, an early birthday gift from one of my partners…and they were too small through the chest and shoulders. Drat.
–Lots of housecleaning in preparation for parties coming up this month — a small (but important) one for my daughter this weekend, and our big annual weekend house party two weeks after that. Stress.
–Money worries. More stress.
–Lots of creative energy this week. Insights and epiphanies. Feeling strong and confident.
–Some of my own clothes that were fitting snugly this past winter are now loose and comfy. There! Take that, you tantalizingly beautiful Indian garments!
–Many loving moments with family, individually and collectively.
–I think I’m getting better at not taking other people’s stuff personally, or at least at recognizing the pattern and waving to the hysterical monsters whenever I do get triggered for a minute.
–Iguanas with big, sad eyes! I believe that image is going to stay with me, and help me with some of those enormous-eyed no-wanna tasks.
*waves at everyone* Cheers!
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … The wilderness within =-.
people feeling the need to lie about stuff (at work) that isn’t my business. i’d really rather they leave me out of it.
closing up the school year – actually facing the giant piles created over the past 180 days.
paperwork – ugh. this is so not my forte. i really do need a secretary or a secret paper lover to take over this part of my life.
regular routine disrupted – not enough yoga
workshop with michelle about teaching multilevel class = super helpful reminders
minimum days
new leadership at work – principal and superintendent {change can be scary, but it is so necessary}
signed up for the world-changing writing workshop
your post on old turkish lady yoga
.-= Tami´s last post … Catching Up with the Runaway Train =-.
I love the name Metaloaf.
Ah, chicken. Such pretty feathers you have.
The hard.
– My tailbone hurts. It’s been hurting off and on for 7-8 months. It’s not broken, which is good, but I have no idea why it hurts, and it doesn’t seem to be at all interested in NOT hurting.
– Migraines this week totally threw off my sleep schedule. Going to bed 3 hours earlier than usual means waking up way early, and getting up way earlier than usual means being really tired by late afternoon. Zonk.
The good.
+ Finally getting somewhere on the knitting machine. I figured out the tension I need to make sock blanks, a good cast on, and a bind off that doesn’t take forever and can be easily undone. Now I just need to wait for the 20 cones of sock yarn I ordered to arrive. They won’t all become sock blanks (some will become skeins), but some of them will.
+ Making the decision to start doing fiber shows. I used to feel like I wouldn’t want to do them because I would have to interact with people all day and that would totally wear my HSP self out. Fear! Overwhelm! But I was surprised to realize that the fear is gone. Just gone. Huh.
+ One of my wholesale customers wrote super nice things about me!
+ Lots of ideas for more dyeing projects. There’s no end to the possibilities, and that’s so energizing.
.-= Riin´s last post … Weaving, weaving, weaving… =-.
I’m so glad there was so much good in your week, and yes, the fun will be epic this coming week!
– dealing with yet another sucktastic client; just this year, I’m sure I’ve filled my quota for the decade
– falling out of my routine with regards to my Shiva Nata practice; I can’t wait to reintegrate it (good thing next week will be highly shivanautical!)
– having a difficult time staying in the present because I was preoccupied with a lot of upcoming stuff
– some progress has been made on my thing #2, and more would have happened if I hadn’t been preoccupied with upcoming stuff
– the upcoming stuff is good!
– I’m really excited about participating in the Shaved Head Challenge; it’s tomorrow! wheeeeeeee!
– getting ready to leave for Portland!
<3 Havi – I'm so glad for your Playground success!
The Hard:
* Accidentally doubling my work load for the coming school year.
* Looking at my future library and seeing only lots and lots of work to be done, and getting stuck. :p
* Only one applicant so far for my Summer Watershed Leadership Program pilot.
* Trying to plan the future of my business around all the monster statues that refuse to move.
* Wanting to have an accountability partner but agreeing with my monster that that is too damn scary!
The Good:
* Created an outline for my new pinniped presentations for the MMSN.
* Received lots of love from my teachers for last year's sessions.
* Received lots of love from my teachers for my planning skills. <3
* Realizing that when I go for it, I will succeed! 🙂
* Remembering why I love my husband. <3
* Every day with my sweet pup, who was hit by a car almost a year ago and is almost 100% better now (even though she's a 13-year-old lab)!
* Finally working out a diet that has me waking up HAPPY! Who would've thought that was possible!?
🙂 For updates 🙂
Chickening a day late. Again. One of those weeks where everything seems to slip and you wonder where the week went.
This week’s hard:
– Did not get to take my two planned days off because the work that *had* to get done just didn’t fit into the time alloted.
– Hearing all kinds of updates from Bead & Button and a different workshop I’d love to be at while not being able to be at either. A big, cool crafty workshop is going to have to be a priority in next year’s budget.
– We’re heavy into fix-it-up time here in Fabulous Sixtiesland, and this seems to be the year everyone is getting a new roof, or new driveway, or a house addition, or something else that involves a lot of noise all day long every day and trucks all over the streets and cigarette butts on my lawn. It makes it very hard to get work done that requires some quiet contemplation, but it’s just not easy to pick everything up and disappear to somewhere quiet, either.
This week’s good:
– The light, it is at the end of the tunnel on this HUGE project. I’ve finished the current phase a week ahead of schedule, rather than the ten days I had hoped for, but still, yay!
– Being ahead is going to let me take all next week to work on jewelry for upcoming shows. All of it.
– Signed up to teach classes at a new place, and it was a joy to develop classes to work the way I want them to work, rather than using someone else’s format and preferences.
Happy weekend, everyone!
.-= Lori Paximadis´s last post … the only constant is change =-.
@Julie Tennis – as soon as I read what you wrote about your “monster statues” the image occurred to me that they aren’t statues, they are playing monster games. Currently they are playing “Red light, Green light”.
If you’re not familiar with the game – those playing, in this case your monsters, that move after “red light” is called, get kicked out of the game. None of the monsters want to get kicked out of the game, thus they are being statues. Anyway, I laughed at the image I saw and thought I might share it.
@Mahala – {{{{hugs}}}} We all would do well to find that misplaced ability to drink in the nourishment surrounding us.
Thrice on a Chicken.
Happy belated chicken, y’all. And speaking of belated…
the hard
* clean forgot about two lunch dates this week
* learning curves. hoo boy, learning curves. more like learning rollercoaster with the cars periodically space-needling off the rails just for grins
* it’s looking like I need to persuade a whole horde of monsters to let me either spend the time overhauling my decrepit machines so they do what I want, or to spend the money on a new machine that doesn’t chew up my time with its quirks. The investment of either would be significant enough that just thinking about it makes me want to crawl back under the covers…
* only it’s too hot to hide under the covers, both metaphorically and literally. Rats.
the good
* I have awesome friends. And not just because I just received a box of bourbon butter crunch in this morning’s mail.
* learning curves are awfully fun, and I’m getting better at pushing past the panic and nausea to the “OMG, WHEE!”
* an impulsive gift I made this week was very well received
* I have time this morning to watch tennis. Petzchner and Federer on a grass court are beautiful to watch.
Take care and best wishes, all y’all!
.-= Mechaieh´s last post … + lui + elle et tous ceuz qui sont seuls =-.
Hooray for the Playground, I’m so thrilled that you’ve got it up and running.
Didn’t do one of these last week, so this might be two weeks of stuff.
– Having too much to do this last week and feeling oh so overwhelmed.
– Having a mad sugar binge on Friday that nearly had me in tears.
– Physical pain.
– Monsters, monsters everywhere.
– Having no money.
– Opening a shop online for my art – very exciting and very terrifying at the same time.
– Selling two pieces of art in the shop – yay!
– Getting a surprising phone call. It’s possible that nothing may come of it but if it does happen it’ll be A Very Exciting Thing.
– Having an awesome massage that really shifted stuff.
– Going on a fun day out to a local museum.
– Getting my 2 Stone award at my slimming group (that’s 28lbs, if you’re in the US).
– Finally managing to have conversations with two of my monsters and making some headway with them. My monsters had been decidedly reluctant to show up for chats, so this felt like a big step forward.
– My son finishing his exams
.-= Kirsty Hall´s last post … Things And Stuff =-.
@LaShae – Thanks for sharing your insight! I read it and *bing!* I could see exactly what you were describing. I could see the nervousness in the eyes of the monsters, and the sweat beading up on their foreheads as they hoped I didn’t catch that one itching its thigh, or that one glancing back at me after I walked past. 🙂
The imagery makes them more adorable, and me more compassionate towards them.
Thank you! 🙂