Because it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.
And you get to join in if you feel like it.
Seriously, Friday?
Are you sure you’re not just Wednesday playing dress-up? Man. This week was a blur.
Anyway. Hi. Friday. Welcome all Chickeneers of the High Seas. Let’s do this.
The hard stuff
The busy.
Between brunching new programs, finishing the monster coloring book on deadline, seeing clients, working on stuff for The Playground …
Things were a leetle hectic.
I still got my schleep but the mid-day naps had to go.
Editing hurts my brain. And every other part of me.
There were four ebooks in the monster package.
It was kind of exhausting.
Still waiting waiting waiting on The Playground.
The good news is that I’m not even slightly freaking out about it.
And Hope (our real estate Fairy Godmother) says things look really good. And she’s probably right.
But I will definitely let out a huge sigh of relief when we sign the lease and the last of the paperwork is taken care of.
Unexpected expenses.
A couple thousand dollars in some state tax thing that I’d thought was paid up but wasn’t.
Which went great with my not-yet-healed internal narrative of Looming Things Will Sneak Up On You Menacingly And Get You. Lovely.
Hurt my back.
Strained a muscle and was completely incapacitated. Ugh. Stupid getting older.
No one ever tells you how ridiculously inconvenient it is. And hurty. Blah, mindfulness, blah.
The good stuff
Speedy recovery!
Saturday morning I couldn’t even change my clothes because of the back pain.
But by Monday morning I was fine. Just a slight shadow of soreness.
Miraculous. And great.
The Gigantic Scary Pile of Doom and Iguanas. Is gone.
Hell yeah.
Selma and I disappeared it.
And it’s gone. Really, really gone.
And then we used Cairene’s Bite The Candy class to dispatch THREE gigantic iguanas. This feels so good. I can’t even tell you.
Getting the monster manual and coloring book out on deadline.
We worked our asses off.
And — despite all sorts of unexpected set-back-ey things, managed to get everything out the day before we’d promised it. Whew.
Also: people love it. Which is good for my monsters to know because when I came up with the idea, they were all “no, it’s totally stupid”.
Upcoming events filling crazy fast and looking to be outrageously fun.
Just three spots left in the Shiva Nata teacher training (since I hinted at its existence on Wednesday).
And not a whole lot of room left in the extremely awesome program that doesn’t have a name but is about getting over fear of visibility, accessing superpowers and coming up with a plan for mindful biggification.
Fun fun fun. I cannot wait.
Terrific discussion on sovereignty.
A really good conference call with my Group Leaders at the Kitchen Table.
On sovereignty, which is our theme this quarter. theme. So much good learning. So many great insights.
Casey was here! Again!
Super brief and I was kinda spacey because of all the stuff going on. But yay. Casey!
And Janet’s coming!
You probably know Janet too because I link to her all the time.
Janet and I have been friends for years but we never get to see each other anymore and now I get an entire weekend with her. Fabulous.
And … playing live at the meme beach house!
Yes, that’s a Stuism too.
My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”
This week?
Maxine and the Whale Wails.
They’re from Wales!
And their first album is called I Think I Just Got Woozled.
Also, they rock. But it’s actually really just one guy.
And other stuff I’m thinking about …
- Terrific post from Lindsay (@gurubody) on fear, boundaries, other useful things. Plus she can write.
Last chance to nab the early bird for Hiro’s Internet Hangover class (note also her brilliant description of said malady in the ice cream post).
Seriously. Her methods are so unconventional and so unexpected that I can’t even stand it. Studying this with her has changed everything about how I work and how much I get done.
- If you still haven’t watched the Brewdog video for their new (and insane) beer Sink the Bismarck, it is idiotic and delightful.
That’s it for me …
And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.
Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?
And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious weekend. And a happy week to come.
Hello Havi and Selma, hi allll!
Loving my Monster Colouring book and the books. So yummy and precious.
The hard stuff
Running a group and not feeling comfortable with aspects of it in the way that I had wanted to. Feeling disappointed that being me – gets in the way. I hate it when a shoe is thrown or I perceive one to be. I find it intolerable in the context of when I’m talking and trying to lead a group. So sensitive and reactive it’s exhausting.
Wondering if my thing is about communicating in words then and not face to face.
Feeling over tired, over extended. Giving too much for no wonga to some other organisation. Having to deal with trickles of emails every other day, answer in a mad Leila-esque way and work during the day time. Did I say over extended?
My partner unwell. Guess what? I was a crappy partner. My stress about holding a group and responding to emails and posting up info and blog posts angsted me out – so I wasnt there for him.
A friend threw an almighty shoe said EXACTLY the wrong thing when I just needed kindness, support, cheerleading.
I feel really really tired. And my please rescue me need is kicking in and that’s a bit of a bastard. Involves feeling generally can not cope with the world, working for other people and oh so much more. Yuck. If I was face to face now I’d be swearing more about it.
What’s good?
I tried out something new. I was really brave. I tried out something new, I risked failure when its really scary, I stepped up my game I guess.
I was clear for the most part when I was leading people through exercises and had been scared after three yrs away from holding groups that I wld not be able to. There were lots of amazing women there and they connected up with each other very easily – the group serves a need for connection and inspiration. So thats good confirmation.
Monster Manual Colouring Book. I need to make sure it doesnt just sit there because i really need to talk to my monsters.
Recognition that something in me needs to work with people who really get me. I’m just too reactive a person to deal with shoe throwers percieved or real – in this kind of work.
remembering some of the whooshy flowing bodily quailites that acting used to give me as well as being in total control. realising that i miss that aspect – though not sure how I can weave that degree of performance into my work. But it may be possible – not sure.
Looking forward to Victoria’s workbook regarding finding of thing!
Having love and connection in my life. I’m so grateful.
Hi Havi
Well my hard (and good) stuff this week was starting my new blog yesterday.
Gosh! the gremlins came out in drones to welcome my new baby. There was a lot of talking but no cookies.
I feel exposed, vulnerable, anxious+excited putting my ‘thing’ out there.
I’ve been lurking for quite some time, soaking up your words and having profound ah-ha moments but I’ll write a proper email about that.
Thanks for your sharing your unadulterated wackiness!
.-= Nats´s last post … A blog for artists seekers eccentrics +non-conformists =-.
I love that you share that the editing was hard, because from this end it looks wonderful. Some things I do that look effortless to other people are the things I sweat most. I figured it was the same for others, but it’s nice to have confirmation. And I love love love my Monster book, I even got to play with it a little last night, because:
Had Teh Sick starting last Friday night. Spent Sat-Mon lethargic, congested and with the sore throat of non-fun Doomy Doom.
More homework widow stuff.
Resistance/apathy toward this show that starts *today* Last month’s non-event was such a kick in the nuts that I just didn’t want to make an effort. Hard hard hard.
Missing out on the “Making Art” competition film set at the film festival because of the lethargy and sick.
Wanting to just drop everything and play with my Monster book, but having to bake (extra even!) for Donkey because it’s Mom’s Weekend at the university. And, you know, it’s Friday. (when I deliver anyway)
The Good:
Monster Coloring Book! I was thrilled when Marty sent over the link (he’s the one who bought it for me). Even more thrilled when I downloaded everything and saw the awesomeness. I even got to play a little last night. Yay!
Kombucha kicks Teh Sick’s ass. Still congested but I think that is allergies.
3 hour healing nap on Monday (why I missed the film).
Saint Misbehavin’ The Wavy Gravy Movie was part of the film festival and we saw it Saturday night. Run to see this film. So wonderful. I have activist cousins but they are all so angry. It was wonderful to see such a joyous loving example of someone working for peace and social justice.
Other good movies (Mythological Tales competition film and Orgasm Inc documentary)
Having enough stuff already made for the show that the non-motivation is really a non-issue.
The new Sookie Stackhouse novel. I get mine a week early because it is a “special order” at our local book store. Good story.
Did I say Monster Coloring Book?
And my silkscreen worked! I have one that is all beads now and another of my precious fish. Yay! Yay! Yay!
After Sunday I can concentrate on my other deadlines! Hahahahahaha. Though that is good because I’ve been torn into several directions because of everything else this week, it will be nice to have the show and opening over with.
Hope y’all have a great weekend!
.-= Andi´s last post … You Gotta Give A Little =-.
Hello Friday! So nice to see you again. But, really, you must be out of breath, having run here.
The hard:
With staples in my knee and a bruise on my hand from a Sunday hiking tumble, I maintained about two days of “bad-ass sports injury” before crossing over into grumpy “this hurts and is annoyingly slowing me down.” But really, this is annoying and it’s slowing me down.
This time of the semester just collapses into to do lists and 10-hour days if I don’t really watch that sovereignty thing. Practice this week, certainly not perfection.
The week seemed really good at testing my flexibility as it felt like–all for really good reasons–every single plan I made had to shift, move, change, get reworked.
The good:
Comfy shoes all week long. And a healing knee–thank goodness I didn’t twist it. Plus, staples. It is impressive.
And I read a whole lot of random flyers on campus that I don’t normally read since I had to walk slowly. They do make me laugh. (I think I saw one for Maxine and the Whale Wails. An acoustic show; want to go?)
Lots of stuff that had been hanging out in my own Giant Pile disappeared. I couldn’t go anywhere, so I just took care of it.
Ever that much closer to the May roadtrip.
Wishing everyone a woozly chicken.
.-= Elizabeth´s last post … Advice for a Runaway =-.
Bwak bok bok bok bok….that’s chicken for..something.
This week did fly by!
Choir cancelled by seven texts, sent by all but ONE singer at the VERY last minute, too late to call organist who drives from 30 minutes away, blah. Kind of wished for it but would have liked a bit more notice so I could have enjoyed the night off instead of stressing at the last minute! RAHR, plus I like choir! Boo.
Can’t find things. Monsters have hidden (HIDDEN!)zip file with morning pages, (SO OF COURSE I CAN’T WRITE, right?) and are seeming to enjoy moving my cell around several times a day.
Coco (Mom’s dog) got spoiled a few days in a row with paid helper walks…now she’s all whiny and looking at me like, Well..? Me no wanna walkee.
Still putting off finish work on studio priming.
O so much good! Spring, primarily. Violets, grape and wild hyacinths, lilacs, weeping cherry, dogwood, blossoms everywhere! And today promises to be sunny and 70. *faints from joy*
Even more good…we are in flow right now and doing lots of fun home improvements, new floors, ceiling fans, etc…decluttering is making things feel light and clean and fresh. LOVE.
Still putting off studio work (see above, and photos on blog below) but have An Excuse: Mercury is retrograde til May 11, so I am wrapping up getting Mom’s stuff OUT and tightening up the rest of the house organization-wise.
Parties, at other people’s houses! FOUR in the next ten days, WOOT!
Hot Yoga. That is all.
And I think that is all for now, chix. xxoo
.-= chicsinger simone´s last post … More studio progress….wabi sabi babi! =-.
Oh, lovely Chicken! I’ve been waiting for you.
Every time there was hard this week (which was a lot, unfortunately) I told myself not to worry, just make it to the Chicken and it will be okay. It helped a bunch.
This week in Kailand~
The Hard:
~Shoes that look like shoes, other things that might be shoes, shoes that weren’t really shoes but still hurt when they landed…Yuck. Just so many things flying through the air at me.
~Being stranded for 4 hours at a doctor’s office all by myself.
~Nightmares and bad sleep and waking up too early and uggghh.
~Feeling whiny whenever I tried to communicate about my Yuck to get support.
The Good:
~Giving myself permission to take time off whenever I need to have Squishy-Soft-Taking-Care-Of-Kai-Days.
~Getting to have a super tasty dinner at a new Chinese restaurant with cute fishies in a tank.
~Soaking up sunlight through the window and cat-napping.
~Connecting with my body and making some fun plans with it.
~Getting to search for another Life Partner tonight after dinner (i.e A new stuffed toy to help make the Yuck less Yuck)
Happy Chickening to all and a very merry weekend!
Hello Friday.
Hi Havi and Fellow Chickens!
The Hard:
-Cold snap and ensuing lethargy.
-My routine failing, resulting in cranky, stressed out Dawn. Must be sure to record routinefail observations in Book of Me/Notes to Self.
-Communication snafus w/gentleman friend, as a result of above (and maybe that darned retrograding Mercury?).
-More stomach pain, but at least have diagnosis for issue.
The Good:
+Dreams are improving! Had a lovely one last night!
+Visiting with coworker who is on maternity leave. Eager for her to come back, as she’s a hard worker who values excellence – something lacking around here otherwise.
+Working through communication stuff with gentleman friend. It’s so great to have a partnership rooted in a desire to learn and be good to each other.
+Stomach pain slightly curbed by new medication, with other plumbing issues resolved.
+It’s Friday. Woot!
+I am drinking coffee and I have a chocolate donut waiting for me.
+Optimism about the warm weekend!
.-= Dawn´s last post … The Briefing: It’s(me)! =-.
Chicken! 🙂
Pretty much all good this week.
+ So many lovely people enrolled in my Healing Internet Hangover class, I’ve had to bump up my Maestro teleconference line subscription to twice as many lines.
+ I get to hang out with some of my favorite folks, for three classes! Yay!
+ Monster Coloring Book! And Monster Manual! And other monster goodies, thanks to brilliance from Havi and Richard
+ Taped a long conversation with Mark Silver yesterday about money, business and soul. It’ll be on my blog on Monday.
+ My son and daughter-in-law came over for dinner and helped me pack.
+ The muse has been snuggling most generously with me this week!
Have a beautiful weekend, everyone. Hugs for the hard, and celebrating all the good with you.
Love, Hiro
.-= Hiro Boga´s last post … Slay the Ice-Cream Dragon: Healing Internet Hangover =-.
@Dawn – happy chocolate donut and happy Friday. Glad that the dream thing is going well.
@Kai – so much hard! So many shoes. I protest at the unfairness of it. Sounds like a stuffed toy life partner is just what’s needed.
@simone – *faints from joy* Me too! The lilacs are heaven. And I want to move into every place that has a dogwood in the front yard.
@Elizabeth – Maxine and the Whale Wails UNPLUGGED?! I’m so there. Sorry to hear about all the injuries (ow). Staples!
@Andi – yay! So delighted that the monster coloring book is in your hands. And no more sick!
@Nats – mazal tov! The new baby blog looks terrific. Great voice. Great feel. Totally remembering my own “holy crap I am out there and this is a website” feeling. Kisses! Hooray for unadulterated wackiness!
Friday again? Crazy! Well, let’s chicken…
The hard:
-So, the VPA on the housing process… the process is better, but still in the hard category. Just a lot of pressure associated with this. Working on not feeling so much like I need to panic… resisting pressure when it’s coming from outside, and lessening how much I’m putting on myself. Working on it, but hard.
-Iguana. Oh, hello large iguana. You are very… large. And you tell me things like “I’m not due until the 20th…” and “you know you’re scared to deal with me anyway…” And you know? I am scared. But we’re still going to hang out for a couple more hours this morning. (…eep.)
-Weather not cooperating for my sinuses. Curses! Foiled again.
The good:
-At least right now it’s lovely outside!
-I figured some stuff out this week, and it helped a lot even if I’m not all the way there yet.
-Lilacs. Oh, delicious lilacs. Hallelujah.
Happy Friday! 🙂
I am joining the overall astonishement: It’s Friday already???
The realization (once more) how much an “incident” (well, a lot more than that) 3 years ago still weighs on heavily on the family. Wanting to turn the clock back and give the story a whole different outcome but knowing that all that can help is letting go but this is oh so hard.
The Good:
– Waking up on Monday, stomach flu gone and finally feeling “normal” again.
– Got a lot done in my current temping job.
– The Japanese cherry tree in my parents’ front garden: a feast of light pink blossoms and an overwhelmingly beautiful scent.
– Shopping on my favourite grocery market.
– Making rhubarb cake.
Hooray for Friday Chicken!
Hope your back improves more!
The hard stuff
Or lack of. Despite arrangign early nights, trying gentle stretches and warm drinks, I live with three other students who believe 4am is a good time to talk loudly, run around, jump up the stairs and so on.
Technology Failure.
My laptop died making exam revision, coursework, conversation with my two best friends over in the US and communicationw ith ym other half, 100 miles away; difficult. No internet, no blogs, no twitter bar. No music or films. Too much silence.
The lack of laptop = lack of music to fall asleep to. I haven’t had to sleep in silence in over three years. It makes me anxious. So much hard. So tired and irritable and afraid. Bleugh.
Also afraid of the dark. Can’t sleep in dark. Had to make room light (usually laptop screen is light) with plug in air-fresheners and charging batteries jhust to shed a little light around.
In general, facing the hard while being cut off from community. Do not like.
The good stuff
Lots of nice weekends coming up!
I’ve got Beltain this weekend, then I’m seeing ym toher half, then I’m doing a course and it’s all ncie and flowly and I’ll love all of those.
I actually spent hours writing yesterday. Morning pages and ideas for careers and such. Writing ina lime green pen. Handwriting! Amazing.
I read 150 pages of my book. Horray. I love reading but rarely find time to read.
Cheese on Toast.
I never eat this. Maybe twice a year. This week, I’ve had it twice. Soo good.
I’ve begun writing letters to my degree. I feel a little better.
(Enough said, really) Epic amazing fun yays. 😛
.-= Rose´s last post … Fears =-.
Happy Friday, everyone!
I’ve got to lead with the good this week:
+I passed my preliminary exam! This is HUGE. That exam — which really was not so much an exam as a portfolio of seven projects — was the King-Sized Iguana in my life for years. As long as it was unfinished, as long as I didn’t know whether I’d ever be able to finish it, I had to live without knowing whether I’d ever complete my PhD, whether the story of my life would forever have to include this one chapter of staggering failure. The longer the process took, the heavier it got, and the lonelier it felt — and now, it’s done! Suddenly, I really feel like a doctoral student again — and, strange as it sounds, the prospect of writing a dissertation feels, by comparison, like a cakewalk, and I’m truly looking forward to it!
+My sweetie and I stayed at a lovely hotel in Philadelphia the night before the exam, had a great meal, saw a sweet indie movie, and just had an all-around lovely time.
+My daughter is so proud of me. I’m melting! (in a good way)
+Excellent rehearsals for the Brahms Requiem, which my choral group will be performing this weekend. Enjoying the music, enjoying the confident feeling that I know my music, and enjoying the gratitude of fellow singers who listen for my voice whenever they’re unsure of a note or an entrance. (I have superpowers! Yay!)
Mind you, there was also a bit of hard:
-The inevitable anxiety leading up to the exam. Once I was in there, I was fine, even when being challenged and critiqued, but the fear of the unknown and the pageant of worst-case scenarios were hard to handle at times.
-Suddenly realized that this weekend’s performances conflict with an annual out-of-town party that my family always attends. The rest of ’em are still going, but I can’t. I will miss seeing the many long-distance friends who are going to be there. Drat.
Wishing everyone a glorious weekend. Thank you all for your presence, encouragement, and support!
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … Liberation =-.
I used to live in Wales, yet had to reread that to get the joke. Worrying.
– bizarre and freaky experience that was totally all my fault
– shoes at work
– nearly soiling myself in public. Great.
– excellent girlie night
– getting things done by a deadline, and it not killing me. Realised I can do way more than I think I can.
– some ingenious shiva nata based insights
– putting some photos up in the library. Small, but just doing that, putting my stuff where people can see it = big step.
– spent today feeling exceptionally mellow
– monster book – looking forward to playing with it over the weekend – so, so glad you do this.
@Kathleen: That is so wonderful. Congratulations!
Happy Friday, Chickeneers.
It’s Friday! Hurrah! I have forgotten all the hard of the week, because this is my last day. It is the end of career one, and the beginning of a new road. Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah. I feel light and free and skip-through-the-daisies-happy.
.-= elizabeth´s last post … yoga on the beach is very popular with the locals =-.
The only good thing about it being Friday is that it is time for the weekly Chicken!
The Hard:
– It’s Friday, still have a group presentation to finish and we will be in class ALL weekend. 3 of the last 4 weekends have been spent in class. BLAH.
– Plumbing issues have not resolved since I got over my cold. I originally attributed it to the cold medicine. But haven’t had any in 2 weeks. Then I decided it must be a new brand of a supplement I take, but it has been 48 hours now without that and the problem persists. WTF?
– Working an insane amount of hours, still. No sign of relief.
– Budget woes – I misunderstood when expense reports were being processed and thus thought I had more money to spend than I do. I’m a CPA so going over budget really bothers me – probably more than it does my boss. Darn perfectionism rearing its ugly head again.
The Good:
+ Reaching out to campus services when it became apparent that I could not manage relocating 3 stationary bikes to the other side of campus for a recycling event. They will take care of it. Lesson learned – I DON’T have to do everything myself. I can ask and GET help!
+ A signed lease with my new tenant!
+ My VPA looking for an adjunct instructor WORKED and I have a new person lined up. I think this will be even a BETTER fit than the original person as this woman has a Ph.D. in our field!!! Can’t wait to meet her in person.
+ Catnip carrot for kitties has caused much fun both of them, although the younger one won’t share the toy so their time with it has to be supervised.
+ Finally caught up on grading. No more lectures – my students get to present to me now!
Wow Elizabeth. Hurrah Hurrah indeed!!
Havi, your not-yet-healed Looming-Things-Will-Sneak-Up-On-You-Menacingly-And-Get-You narrative ought to get together with my If-Everything-Is-Going-Good-Then-Surely-It-Is-Time-For-Doom-to-Strike Narrative.
Ahem. (Is it really Friday? Really?)
-Uh…I’m feeling sluggish, and like a slug, and slow and sluggy and whatnot. Ick. I just want to crawl under my slimy slug rock and hide from the giants with salt shakers who keep tormenting me.
-I got rid of about 20 garbage bags full of unneeded Stuff from the house. It feels good to make space. And to not feel a need to fill that space with anything else.
-I totally wiped out while taking out the dog. Tripped on a rock, rolled my ankle all the way over and fell all the way to the ground. This sounds bad, but then I got up, and it’s not bruised or swollen or hurt at all. I think the letting-myself-fall-all-the-way-down might have saved me from injury. So yay for that.
-One of my knitting projects failed miserably, and I learned so much about the value of getting it wrong that it was a huge happy moment for me. Learning = good. Even when it’s bad.
-Our strawberries are blooming like crazy, and the lilac by the front porch is delightful.
Happy weekend Chickeneers!
.-= Emily´s last post … Creative Every Day Part 16: Yeah, I Played Hooky Last Week =-.
Hard stuff:
– getting posts out of my brain
– realizing that we won’t sell all of our stuff before the trip
– discovering that someone was extremely successful at an endeavor I failed at and gave up. Now I’m full of regret.
Good stuff:
– GF stayed home from work yesterday
– Speakeasy pizza: homecooked wood oven pizza outside in the spring
– finished a website (well, almost. never done, is it?)
– beautiful picnic in the park
– better understanding of myself
.-= Eric Normand´s last post … A different kind of consumerism =-.
@Elizabeth – Hooray for your last day at work, and the beginning of the rest of your life!
@Kathleen – Yay for passing your prelims! 🙂
.-= Hiro Boga´s last post … Slay the Ice-Cream Dragon: Healing Internet Hangover =-.
As usual Chickneers of the Havi seas
To all the hard shooo shooo
To all of the good – WOOSTER WOOSTER!!
the best kind of woozle there is
@Kathleen: that is one big huge YAY! That’s wonderful! Congratulations!
@Elizabeth the H: Just reading those three little lines gave me those tickling chills I told you about the other day, and it lasted for what felt like a very long time – as if I could feel your happy energy going through me. A big cheery yay for you too!
The hard around here:
– having high hopes of accomplishing lots of things while my gentleman friend was away this week, and not getting much done in the end
– if I can’t even use that alone time to do what I like to do when I’m home alone, I’d rather have my gentleman friend with me
– still having to deal with some difficult clients
The good:
– teaching my first Shiva Nata class! it was great!
– the one thing I’ve accomplished was a good one: writing up and sending a proposal to include my Shiva Nata class in our local arts council continued education program for artists. Needless to say, my monsters were having a jolly good time, but I did it anyways. Yay me!
I’m really proud of myself for moving forward with my Shiva Nata teaching thing.
– My gentleman friend is coming back tonight 🙂
.-= Josiane´s last post … Middle of the night musings =-.
Yay for coloring books and playgrounds and teacher training (ah I want to do this! maybe!). I’m glad you are feeling better. 🙂
.-= Danielle´s last post … Earth Day 2010: taking stock and setting goals. =-.
Yay Playground! Yay Monster Coloring Book (it looks awesome but I haven’t had time to look at it yet!) Yay for healing!
The Hard:
– Mom moved her wedding date — now I need plane tickets for less than 3 weeks away!
– Big Giant Art Sale for this purpose is going okay but not nearly as well as I’d hoped.
– Stuck stuck stuck around selling art.
– Allergies. meh.
The Good:
+ My 72-year-old Mom is getting married! It’s freakin’ adorable.
+ Big Giant Art Sale has netted a few takers, though nothing big.
+ I get to meet Holly while I’m in Chicago, yay!
+ I had an AWESOME call with Sinclair today and she gave me some great ideas and helped bolster my flagging resolve.
+ I have resources! I have art, and talent, and skill, and clients, and I can do this thing.
+ My cats, still awesome.
+ My life is pretty awesome, actually, having the freedom to move my schedule around and fly on such short notice, even if it is a bit of a pain.
.-= Amy Crook´s last post … I’ve moved! =-.
yay chicken!
the hard:
high stakes state testing for 9 year olds. ugh.
not judging my worth as a teacher based on their performance on this set of tests.
uncertainty in the hubs job for next year.
more bad sleep.
too much fun weekend hangover – turns out downtime is mandatory, not optional
the good:
teacher appreciation yoga class with milk and cookies i’m teaching tomorrow.
i kept my freaking out about the tests to myself and felt i was supportive for them. they were smiling.
realizing i take their scores too seriously and maybe that will release me from feeling one way or the other about it.
hot baths.
figuring out that downtime isn’t optional and scheduling a pajama day for this weekend.
green smoothie – i tried it and i liked it.
.-= Tami´s last post … Song of the Day! =-.
Love the coloring book and the manual! Printed it out so I can play.
Woozles go with Heffalumps from Winnie the Pooh – they are sort of monsters. My dear sweet companion gorgeous long haired cat was named Woozle – so loved and so missed!
Indeed, woozles steal one’s honey and share it with the heffalumps. They’re tricky, those woozles.
I am SUPER excited about the coloring book.
.-= Sonia Simone´s last post … The Spooky Secret to Designing Your Perfect Business =-.
Wow, what a busy week at the Pirate Ship.
Still being ill – this CFS crash feels like it’s never going to end
My monsters clamouring at me about how being ill is not a good enough excuse for not working
Having a nasty blood sugar crash that left me weepy & sad
Lots of support from my lovely family
Losing another 1.5 pounds – I’m nearly at the 2 stone mark
Getting my fabulous Monster Colouring book
Having a chat with my first monster -they’re still quite shy, so it felt like a big step forward
Getting my knitting mojo back
Managing to write again & posting a new blog post
.-= Kirsty Hall´s last post … The 7 Deadly Website Sins =-.
Friday kind of got away from me, so here I am a day late. But I’ll still do the funky chicken.
This week’s hard:
– I pulled or strained or otherwise made bad something in my hip. It hurts, and it threw my gardening plans this week out the window. Trying to remember to get up every ten minutes or so and move so it doesn’t get too stiff.
– Frustration trying to capture some cool jewelry and house project ideas that I don’t have time to work on right now (I can’t draw worth carp, despite a very expensive drawing class at the la-di-dah art museum) so I don’t forget it.
This week’s good:
– Very little hard!
– Got a project out of the way (and invoiced!) a week before deadline (see: can’t spend planned time in the garden, above), thus making room for getting ahead on other projects so when I’m feeling mobile again I can spend *lots* of time outside.
– GREAT couple of days of teaching and taking classes last weekend.
– A fun girls’ night out in the middle of the week.
– A lovely, *wanderful* day yesterday: extra-gentle yoga, craft store, boutique browsing, bookstore hanging, antique shopping. With lemonade, and no agenda.
– A brand new box of crayons to go with my Monster Coloring Book.
.-= Lori Paximadis´s last post … Ah, Friday! =-.
The hard:
– Recovering from a really full-on weekend — didn’t start feeling right again until Thursday, and *still* a bit weary even now.
– First counselling appointment. Scary.
– Getting on the wrong train and taking an hour extra to get to the parental abode (and having to get Dad to come and pick the dog & me up from a totally different station!). Well; not so much *hard* maybe as “how on earth did I manage to do that?” baffling.
– Ongoing Samaritans training. Hard, tiring, and challenging, especially when I screw up bits of the skills practices (but that’s the point of practice…).
– Best friend clearly suffering and I don’t know what to do about it, or even how to talk to her right now.
The good:
– Giving myself permission to take time off after the full-on weekend, and having a very lazy Tuesday with snoozing and reading.
– Getting down the allotment before the end of April to get the last rows of parsnips and turnips in!
– Getting the work done that I needed to for various deadlines.
– A friend reading the story that I submitted to an anthology, and being incredibly complimentary about it.
– Realising what the story I’m currently working on needs, and feeling enthusiastic about being able to get it done.
– Being struck by a *fantastic* story idea when cycling home from training evening on Thursday.
– First counselling appointment. Positive.
– Leafletting for anti-fascist group this morning, and nice lunch catching up with the friends I did the leafletting with afterwards.
– Reading about non-violent communication. Awesome.
a late but great chicken!
the hard:
a hard week at work. feeling the teacher pressure of “so much left to do, so few class periods left!” which creates this sense of panic that shuts down rational or creative thought, planning or flow. yes, pattern alert.
making a decision to not go to my bestie’s bachelorette party, feeling crappy about said decision, and then taking it out on EVERYone for an entire day.
but then, the GOOD:
after a terrible miserable day of snappitude and craptasticness, my mom offered to loan me the money for a ticket to chicago, to be with said friend. booked the ticket, flew out the next day, and got to spend the weekend here catching up with old friends!
that was really, really, really good. everything else kind of paled in comparison, like the afterglow from acupuncture–but the great amount of learning about me and my patterns (quitting too soon, withdrawl issues, and more) was lovingly delivered to me. kisses to my angel mother!!!!