Because it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.
And you get to join in if you feel like it.
Sixty Chickens. Ridiculous.
I mean, impressive.
And just so you know I’m on Extremely Necessary Vacation right now — not quite the same as Emergency Vacation, but similar. I’ll still be here, though.
Because come on. I wouldn’t miss a Friday Chicken.
The hard stuff
Being in motion.
The whole being-on-the-go thing makes running a business somewhat difficult.
Even when you have an efficient, well-trained pirate crew.
It’s just hard.
I don’t like them.
This is not new.
The three weeks of running around before Berlin, combined with the three weeks of chaos, confusion, jackhammers, fireworks and general madness in Berlin have officially taken their toll.
I’m not doing much of anything except sleeping.
Coming to terms with leaving Berlin.
For me, Berlin has always been a place for big, crazy creative growth.
It’s where I’ve always gotten my very best thinking and writing done.
But this time, it was a period of fog and confusion and horribleness.
Usually I leave with a heavy heart. This time I just couldn’t wait to get out.
Buying a bathing suit.
As soon as it became clear that the Extremely Necessary Vacation involved a place where one might need a swimsuit, I went into all sorts of dreaded internal places.
Especially since I just got one (a gorgeous one! from someone on Etsy!) in July.
And of course now I don’t have it with me. So I had to go shopping, which is — extreme understatement! — not my cup of tea.
And I had to try on bathing suits, which is pretty much my least favorite thing in the world. Gah. Traumatic.
The good stuff
The Herr Lehmann inspired bathing suit Expotition.
So my gentleman friend and I are, oddly enough, in complete agreement as to our two favorite German novels.
I refer, of course, to Faserland by the inimitable Christian Kracht, and Herr Lehmann by Sven Regner.
After that, our tastes diverge considerably. We both like Uwe Timm, but I prefer the sweet, thoughtful, funny Entdeckung der Currywurst while he goes for the dark, powerful, introspective Am Beispiel Meines Bruders and Rot.
And the split widens from there.
But we can always agree on our two favorites. So, as soon as I said “bathing suit”, he insisted that we follow Herr Lehmann’s awkward and uncomfortable footsteps by copying that character’s delightfully awful search for a bathing suit, as described in the book.
So we headed out towards the Karstadt on Hermann Platz. We didn’t actually make it there because our Expotition took a turn for the weird, but we tried.
It was like when people read the words of famous poets where they were originally written. Only somewhat less romantic.
Anyway, I got a bathing suit. And I didn’t cry.
And It was worth it.
Because sitting in a hot tub at night while looking out at the Baltic Sea was exactly the right get-well tonic for my ragged nervous system.
Recovery mode is the place to be right now.
Goodbye, Berlin.
I taught my last few classes.
Spent time with friends.
My gentleman friend and I spotted two herons when we went for a walk by the Lietzensee. We even saw one of them having a (slippery, squirmy) breakfast.
Also a swan and some ducks. And a bird that looked like the offspring of a pigeon and a duck.
Like a puck. Or a digeon.*
*See the title of this week’s Chicken for the stupidest, yet also the funniest pun of the week.
Anyway, there were some nice moments.
Something I’ve never done before.
The cool thing about having taught in one place (Berlin) once a year for five years is that I have some pretty advanced students by now.
I turned my last class into an Advanced Shiva Nata Practice class and taught Level 4 and Level 5.
Not only have I never taught Level 5 before, I don’t know that Level 5 has ever been taught before.
The way I learned it was through Andrey giving me the formula — and then just memorizing the sequences. But taught? In a class?
It was really, really cool.
Something else I’ve never done before.
And then I also did the thing I’ve been steadfastly refusing to do in all my years of teaching in Berlin, which is to go on a Stadtrundfahrt, one of the tour-the-city-by-boat things.
It had just always struck me as kind of tacky and embarrassing.
Well. It turns out that you get a completely new and gorgeous perspective of the city that way. And seeing all my favorite bridges from underneath was awesome.
And drinking beer in the sun while gliding down a canal is actually a perfectly lovely thing to do — even for a pirate queen. I love being wrong when it’s that kind of wrong.
And … one more thing I’ve never done before.
I’m in Norway right now. I know!
And … playing live at the meme beach house!
Yes, that’s a Stuism too.
Though there aren’t any Stuisms this week because Stu is still living in my suitcase. And not happy about it, I might add.
Actually, that’s not correct. I am mostly aware of the fact that Stu is a piece of software and, as such, lives in my computer and not in a suitcase. But I have taken on the appalling habit of confusing him with the headset that makes his existence possible.
Anyway, he’s not around. But back to the fake band of the week.
My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”
So this week, I’m torn between Avoid The Conditional and Wiederverschliessbar Again.
But either way, pretty sure it’s just one guy.
That’s it for me …
And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.
Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?
And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious weekend. And a happy week to come.
The hard:
Lots of hard this week. Someone throwing shoes, me losing it, lots of crying, then being told that there was no shoe and so it was all me. So realizing that I really am judging myself. Though I do think there was at least a slipper or a flip flop thrown.
The good:
Realizing this pattern. Deciding to do more Shiva Nata to try to shake it all up.
Still reeling from the hard. Gah.
Hee hee – bands!! I’m partial to Wiederverschliessbar, but mostly I think because I love the way German rolls off my tongue. 🙂
The chicken!!!
The Hard:
* Dad in hospital for a procedure.
* Tight, tight, tight deadline @ work.
* Finding time for ME
* Flooding where friends live.
The Good:
* Dad’s procedure DID go smoothly, and the anaesthesia didn’t mess him up unduly afterward.
* Project @ work accepted with minimal changes required. And we’d designed it so those changes were relatively easy.
* I was a Havi Item this week! (That made my day, Havi- on one where I was sick!)
* Flooding avoided people I know as far as I know.
* Finished a major project for me. Launching this weekend… EEP!
.-= G. Romilly´s last blog ..Just when I thought Cashmere was expensive… =-.
Wow, Norway?! That sounds amazing!
So, chicken, let’s see.
The hard:
-Flailing about with the work I don’t like to do. And not getting it done because my work-computer masticated some malware and became completely unusable for 8+ hours. Oh, and there’s no IT, so I had to fix it myself. Which was annoying.
-Feeling stuckish because of the overwhelm, and I can’t get a break from it. I want a vacation. I haven’t had one since…um, since…April of 2007. And I worked half the time on that one. So yeah, a break.
-All of the overload is making me not be nice to myself. In more ways than I can count.
The good:
-Understanding that the flailing is not helpful. That it’s a choice. Oh, and my door closes, too.
-Recognizing the not-being-nice-to-myself and at least resolving to be nicer today than I was yesterday.
-Some really surprising insight into myself and my patterns from yesterday’s free-writing exercise (which I did today). I’m still not sure what to make of it all. Still processing…but it’s feeling good.
-Tomorrow is my birthday, and my Little Bird is excited, and I’m driving to my hometown to see my parents and some friends. They’re all a lot nicer to me than I am to myself, and that will be really good. Also, I recognize that I feel happier at 37-minus-1-day than I did at 27. And that’s pretty cool.
.-= Emily´s last blog ..Ride Those Waves! =-.
Aviary goodness, Havi! Love the pun 🙂
My vagus nerve (that big whopper one that travels from the brain all the way down into the stomach) keeps filling my core with feelings of dread… negative anticipation. Me no like!
I think my VN is just doing its informative thing, and letting me know that I’ve got dissonance in my life to clear away. It’s insisting on greater degrees of alignment and wants harmony in all my areas.
Jeez, such a demanding nerve! Like a really good friend, actually.
.-= Erika Harris´s last blog ..What do you *really* want? =-.
Shopping, for a bathing suit nonetheless, is definitely on my ‘even thinking about it is horrible’ list as well. And yay for new things!
Happy birdie, Emily!
The Hard:
* Major thesis-writing Procrastination. Ugh.
* Having to work in the weekend to make up for P’ing all week.
* Too much time spent on trains.
* Not enough time to recover from pleasant social activities overload.
The Good:
* Weekly belly dancing class. It is almost like Shiva Nata, but replace arms by hips and legs by ribcage area. Good times.
* Celebrating Mom’s birthday and seeing family.
* Catching up with friends while eating home-made goodness and drinking loads of tea.
* Discovering some excellent blog posts by Steve Pavlina to work with.
* Deciding to again go without TV until at least the end of the year to make time for sleep, reading and finishing the Thesis named Phillipe.
Wishing you all a fantastic week to come.
Ah, Chicken, how did you get here so quickly? Oh right, Super Busy Week.
Havi, I totally commiserate with the swimsuit-buying thing since I keep gaining weight and I’m allergic to typical retail stores. I’ve settled for a sport tank top and swim trunks. Men get pockets – now I do too. Sooooo worth the time in the hot tubs, though, n’est-ce pas?
Here’s my week:
The hard:
– planning and thinking about ways to bring a 63-year-old ship more money and volunteers and discovering the horrifying bureaucracy between the ideas and the getting things done.
– getting sick in the middle of an important project for a client I really want to keep. Beating myself up over the sisyphus-ian illness/emergency pattern that seems to flow with my favorite client. Ick ick ick.
– being terrible sick – that really f**ks up the rest of life and I am So Very Tired of being it. I just want to get ON with my life, m’kay?
The good:
– getting positive feedback for my many ideas for the ship and genuine gratitude from the other volunteers that actual change is on the horizon
– moving to a different Dance of Shiva section and falling over in my living room. Havi finding the Best Quote Ever here to describe it: “…it feels a little like trying to rub your tummy and pat your head. In an anti-gravity chamber. While also trying to memorize an international telephone number. And some annoying person is shouting random digits in the background. In Chinese.”
– new dishes that match and are not (yet) chipped! I’m nesting with the hippie husband and it’s really nice.
– being truly grateful for all the tools and methods Havi and this site have taught me for dealing with the stuck – things I can actually DO – that work.
Wacky wonderful weekend wishes to all!
.-= Casey Cole´s last blog ..casey_cole: It was awesome gettin’ to sleep easily last night – unfortunately it meant awakening too damn early today. =-.
I’m so sorry to hear HOW exhausting Berlin really was this time. Hope desperately you’ll still planing to come back next year? I enjoyed the ShivaNata classes so much, thanks again! Glad to hear you’re getting some beautiful landscape and silence and ….. now!
Do you know “Element of Crime”? That’s a German band – actually THE Band of Sven Regener.
Wish you luck and happiness!
First thing. I am totally right there with ya on ‘bathing suit shopping makes me cry’. Ugh. And as far as your leaving Berlin experience.. my hubs having a similar one with the beach. Usually a source of soul sustenance…this year, some disenchantment. Which begs the question, now where can he go to fulfill that longing?
The good:
~ A kick-ass weekend of unexpected chair massage which should have burned me out, but didn’t.
~ People responding to my shiatsu giveaways.. this means, bringing in new people to experience the joy and wonder of shiatsu, hopefully to stay.
~ A positive and successful experience with acupuncture and an impending migraine.
~ My husband reaching a point of unprecedented helplessness, in which I had to be The Strong One. Yes, that is VERY good.
The hard:
~ Summer officially ended.
~ Concerns that I can’t sustain being The Strong One.
~ Persistent health weirdness that feeds the above concern.
~ More doubts which I conversed with in the blog post below (which I guess I turned into a “good”)
That is all. Best of everything.
.-= Gina´s last blog ..entertaining doubts =-.
I’m so glad you’ve gotten away from the jackhammers!
The Hard:
– Being sick! Oh how I hate it.
The Good:
+ The first official Los Angeles Urban Chicken Enthusiasts meeting went well and was tons of fun. Yay chickens! In Los Angeles!
+ In spite of the sick, I got a lot of art done this week. Amazing what a simple little deadline can do.
.-= Barbara J Carter´s last blog ..New little-bitty painting “Dots 12 (Open Grid)” =-.
I will never forget the crisp, fresh air of my cruise through the fjords. I’ve often found that my perspective on myself and the world is markedly different on (or in) water than on land. It just opens the senses up.
-Writing with ease, not being a critic
-Anonymity that web can sometimes be
-Crazy demands demands from family that I cannot fulfill
-I reconfirmed my passion for craft, design and the arts, making my work eminently meaningful
-A husband who despite being an engineer loves to visit art galleries in NYC with me!
-A great yoga week that unhinged some massive pain from my shoulders.
I have a commitment to be gentle.
.-= Lydia, Clueless Crafter´s last blog ..Echo Decorate =-.
Have 2 weeks of Hard and Good since I missed last Friday’s Chicken.
The Hard:
– Moving! Gah! And inexperienced landlords making a big stink about minor issues. Lots of blaming. And talk about shoe throwing! It all kind of left a bad taste in my mouth after an otherwise decent living situation.
– Finding my place in my new home. Challenging, disorienting.
The Good:
– Vacation. To San Francisco! It was beautiful seeing my city again, my old friends, and their new babies.
– Seeing my gentleman friend hamming it up with my old friends.
– Being internet and news free while on vacation.
– Crying tears of joy with my bff over her newborn’s beauty.
– Not letting minor issues make me anxious.
– Freedom from anxiety for 5 whole days!
– Flight issues that were resolved quickly and easily, and a $250 voucher from the airline to boot!
– Feeling more settled into a routine in new house.
– Reading my beloved Fluent Self again.
.-= Dawn´s last blog ..Feeling Defensive =-.
Yay for hot tubs! I can’t wait for the weather to cool down enough here to use ours.
Also yay for non-sucky touristy boat tours! I went on one in London last summer and even the London-ites I was with really enjoyed it.
The hard:
–Heat! It’s still in the upper 90s-low 100s here. HATE it. Ready for Fall.
–Fatigue. Being so tired yesterday I took 3 naps and was very unproductive.
The good:
–Babysitting my adorable nephew.
–Having friends over for dinner after talking about doing it for over a year.
–Making a gentle return to my mindfulness practice.
Oh, my — that is the worst, when the formerly restorative place turns out to be full of blech. I’ve had that happen, and it’s just all kinds of awful.
This week’s hard:
– Lots of busy, but not a lot of progress on big-picture stuff, which is what I had hoped to tackle this week.
– I hate having to break bad news to people, and there are a couple of situations looming in which I’m going to have to do just that. I’m already crunching up my shoulder muscles just thinking about it.
This week’s good:
– I had a great show on Saturday, which was unexpected because it was a first-year show and not highly promoted.
– I found some fabulous new things at a wholesale show, and I’m all inspired to use them in some new creations.
– I had a two-hour facial yesterday, which included a hand and foot massage and just might have involved my dozing off a bit. Maybe. 🙂
– Got called for two new projects, one by a new-to-me client via a recommendation. Always nice when that happens.
.-= Lori Paximadis´s last blog ..tidbits: extra blanket edition =-.
hi all,
The Hard bit this week:
monday to wednesday were three 12 hour days in a row with a lot of travelling. hard, hard work.
going for a run after a few days off. SO hard but i know it’s good for me!
The Good:
having a more relaxed approach to work on thursday and friday but still managing to achieve a fair amount.
This gorgeous, soft, very English September light that makes the whole of Bath glow.
It’s the weekend. Time to relax.
.-= Lucy1972´s last blog ..The Election Campaign Begins =-.
The hard:
I’d say everything hard this week falls under the category of “keeping going.” Maintaining a semblance of confidence and faith in myself and the universe is hard when I don’t feel like I’ve got much evidence to base it on. But I’m keeping going.
The good:
Working with a client on cleaning off his desk and watching his anxiety melt away a little bit when I assured him that he could keep whatever he deemed valuable. I see so much anxiety and even defensiveness in people when they contemplate organizers and organizing, so it’s always a joy to allay those fears.
Have a lovely weekend, everyone.
.-= Catherine Cantieri, Sorted´s last blog ..Organizing your desk? Talk to the hand =-.
Hey guys. I love reading about your week. Hugs for the hard and cheering for all the good.
Sending big love from far away …
Hmmm, hard. I’m about to write my personal ad update on the blog. Oy.
It’s about how everyone seems to love my workshop *idea* but the sign-ups are… low.
So, yeah. Hard. I’m sure I screwed something up, but I probably won’t know what until much, much later.
I love Norway. I spent some time on a tiny island in the Arctic Circle. In February. Flying a 9-seater in a blizzard, not understanding a word the pilot was saying, but “Gahh!” definitely translates. Jokes about the movie, “Alive.” (Dude, would you eat me if you had to?) Thankfully it was omelettes and fries and not humans and dogs.
The Hard:
Oh, the Hard. Tears shed, relationship struggles. Why is it that you can love someone so much and still not have it work? Oh, ack.
The Good:
Having some beautiful breakthroughs with some of my other stuck. Very thankful again for Beautiful Havi and Stylish Selma, as always.
I think that Avoid The Conditional and Wiederverschliessbar Again are both the same guy. And it’s just one guy.
The Hard:
– I kept stumbling into these deep wells of self-doubt and anxiety, especially late at night when I couldn’t sleep.
– Trouble sleeping.
– Cat barf and more trouble sleeping.
– Waking up late on the one day I had something at an early-ish time and having to run out the door barely prepared.
– Procrastination and general uselessness.
The Good:
+ Clients who are wonderful to me and for me.
+ Awesome birthday was awesome, with scattered bits of happy arriving all week.
+ Did some mental reshuffling and did a big braindump Everything To Do list, and am slowly edging my way toward a new schedule of sorts.
+ Kittehs still full of fluff and love.
+ Clean laundry is clean.
+ Having some interest in my fellow humans this week that seems to be lasting past the initial rush. Have committed myself to a few different sorts of social and will have to uncurl from my hedgehog spikey spiral and step out. Mostly looking forward to it.
.-= Amy Crook´s last blog ..Films about Ghosts =-.
I have missed a few chickens and its nice to be back.
The hard mixed with the good:
been thinking about sovereignty and making changes to be better to myself. I have been attending a lot more art events and its been great because they are free and providing me a huge sense of renewal and reconnection(the good) Unfortunately my gentleman friend has not attended one single thing with me and that is raising red flags and bringing up a lot of yuck.(the hard) A few nights ago I attended an event at a gallery where I displayed work about a year ago. (the first and last art show I was in since college) The gallery owner remembered me (to my surprise….he knows a LOT of people in this town) and asked me out for a drink afterward to catch up. I was thrilled and happy that he wanted to hear about my work and talk art and stuff. We finished our beers after lots of great conversation and started our walks home. It was then he revealed that for weeks (last year) he had mistakenly sent e-mails and messages to someone with my same name/different spelling. He was interested in dating me… and still apparently. Some BIG inappropriateness happened and it was shocking and uncomfortable and WAY WAY over the line. I got out of there and got home as fast as I could. It made me feel sick to think the reason I was in that art show was just because he wanted something else from me. It felt like betrayal in a weird way and like validation of my stuck with ‘I’m not really good enough at art to be putting work into the world anyway.’ (HARD HARD HARD) I took the next day off work to take care of myself and eat comfort food and drink a chocolate milkshake. I got a nice email from a new friend and did lots of sleeping. (good) ok, enough.. this was way too long. thanks for letting me rant.
Ah, hot tubs, view of the sea and just relaxing! Sounds like the perfect tonic for a stressed soul. Jealous that I see no such escape for me for a long, long time.
The Hard:
– I’m one week and 4 (FOUR!) projects away from completing the first course in my doctoral program. The 4 projects just seem so overwhelming because there are so many other demands on my time. I feel like I just play “Whack-A-Mole” all the time. Dread my inbox because it is just another reminder on how many things I am behind on.
– Odd pains and muscle aches brought on by simply leading a 15 minute warmup for my senior citizen residents. WTF? How on earth can I be so sore from doing so little? Depressed that above mentioned doctoral program has sucked up all my free time and then some and leaves me with no time to move my body in healthy ways.
– The sun rises later and later. Feel like I am getting up the middle of the night. Hate this time of year.
The Good:
– Temporarily caught up on grading for my 2 classes, at least until Tuesday.
– Hard working students and appreciate residents.
– My boss NOT sharing all his crap with me ever since I had a meeting with the lawyer. Not sure what was said, but it has made interacting with him easier.
– No alarm clock needed for the next several days! Still working hard & finishing up projects, but it is a treat to NOT have to get up before my body is willing.
Remember, when you had to take your Emergency Vacation, there was no space in your schedule for a vacation until sometime next year? And now you get to have another one! I’m sorry it became Extremely Necessary, but I’m glad you could take it. Yay for vacations!
The hard this week:
– Having to spend energy I didn’t have (because I wasn’t feeling all that well to begin with) on cleaning the house because my gentleman friend’s parents were coming.
– I have to repeat that because it’s a hard in itself: my gentleman friend’s parents were coming.
– Having all of their stuff flying around (not necessarily in the form of shoes, but still… stuff, flying), and even though I know it’s *their* stuff, it’s really hard seeing that there’s just so much of it – heavy, heavy, heavy.
The good:
– Celebrating four wonderful years with my gentleman friend today!
– Spending the day tomorrow with my niece and my nephews. That’s the sweetest way to end this week!
.-= Josiane´s last blog ..Practicing body poetry with Havi =-.
it’s Friday already???
once again, it’s so nice to check in here and read about everyone’s mix of weekly crappiness and good stuff
The Hard:
-writing grants. one awesome thing about being a musician in Canada – we can get grants to write and record! But…writing applications is not my favourite thing to do.
Budgets, marketing plans, uuugh
The Good:
-I seemed to manage my focus/time pretty well this week, going to the gym first thing in the morning almost guarantees a good day to follow
-had a great time drinking coffee and chatting with my friend Josh, talking about music and stuff
-finally upgraded some of my gear (new guitar cases, mini pedal board, etc). I’m so not a gear person so its a huge accomplishment for me to actually get around to this.
.-= Christine Bougie´s last blog ..Musicians with blogs =-.
sounds like you’re getting some good r and r – yes? so glad that the jackhammers and other sordid things are in the past now and hope you and your gentlemen friend are having a great time together.
The Good:
-spent almost the entire week working with Barbara Sher’s Discover Your Dreams and learned a lot about what’s already in place in my life that is working for me and what’s missing. Got very specific about both of those things
-honestly dealt with a difficult situation with someone else using your strategies of believing there is a perfectly good reason for both of our behaviors and trusting that even though i don’t know what that is, it doesn’t mean it’s not there. there were a whole bunch of things that i wasn’t aware of that made the situation, in retrospect, make total sense
-not one who follows things astrologically, but someone explained what’s with the planets and it makes perfect sense why i’ve been in the middle of many communication mishaps using that perspective.
The Hard:
-wondering whether i can really create a career doing somehting i love
-going to barbara sher’s idea party on twitter and not getting any specific feedback, in fact it looked like maybe i had the wrong day or something (double checked though and i had the right day unfortunately)\
-being “too helpful” to my older son who is trying to figure out what he’s doing when his job ends. i was thinking through different scenarios with him thinking that was helpful – now i realize i was just raising his anxiety though that’s not what he said. i could tell from his tone of voice that things were going south. gotta remember not to make suggestions unless i’m asked for them specifically.
Have a wonderful time.
.-= char´s last blog ..test =-.
Sixty chickens! Wow! I think I’ll take mine as chicken soup this week, thanks — nourishing, and warming clear down to my toes.
The hard:
Some niggling little health issues, just enough to keep me feeling a bit run-down all week long. Bleah.
I had to stay up all night to meet a deadline. Then I still had to take care of business for about half a day, though I did allow myself to curl up and rest from midday on.
The good:
Hey, I made that deadline! It felt really good to succeed in honoring that commitment.
My daughter is off to a really good start at school this year, and is feeling happy about it, which of course makes me happy.
I am back in the flow of my PhD program, after months of avoidance and stuckness and fear. For the first time in a long time, it feels possible that I will actually make it through this program!
My glorrrrrious weekend is likely to involve dim sum, and music, and family, and writing, and love. I promise I’ll remember to rest, too — to rest in motion, even, when necessary.
I hope you have a marvelous vacation, Havi!
@ilikered Whaaaah? Oh, no! *hug* That sucks. Really, lots.
Eh, I missed the chicken again. But it’s still early, so it’s OK, right?
Hard: been extremely (EXTREMELY!) distracted this week. Can’t get any work done because I’m too busy talking to myself. Yes, really. Ugh.
Haven’t found a flat for me and the boyfriend yet. There’s still time, but the two we visited that I was hoping would be right kind of weren’t very right.
Good: I have been having FUN talking to myself. It’s just a bit annoying it comes at the cost of everything else.
I’m gaining ground at Dance of Shiva level 2. Decided to just practice and not worry about whether it’s “working” or not.
The great “get rid of stuff” exercise has started! Got rid of a big bag of clothes over the weekend, and I’m dumping another one this week. Why do I have two big bags of clothes I never wear? Argh! Well, not anymore. :3
Hugs to everyone, enjoy your very necessary vacation, Havi!
Oh Havi-
I hope that the happy people and deliciously lonely romantic landscape of Norway bring you back to you in the way that feels most right.
And also…I hope you snap up a pair of Selbu Mittens, if you can find them, because they rock.
The Hard-
I feel like I’m right on the edge of making this whole thing work. But I’m right on the edge.
Also, I just learned about Memes, which made me ponder whether we are all just tree snags covered in memes and bacteria. So I freaked myself out for a minute.
The Good-
Had an awesome interview with Fabeku Fatumise, an intuitive mover of yuck and stuck.
Had a wonderful conversation with Gwenn Seemel, an amazing portrait artist.
I need more adjectives in my vocabulary, because all I can think of is awesome and amazing!
Got my blog fixed. (W00T)
And I stood up in front of over 200 people and told a story and people loved it at Backfence PDX. There is something particularly edifying about having 200 people think that you are funny. Especially when talking about a painful, yet hilarious experience.
So, I realized that art and story must be part of the therapeutic intuitive workshops I am working on, and it’s so good when something feels so right.
.-= Bridget´s last blog ..January First: A Kid Struggles with Schizophrenia =-.
I missed chicken on Friday, but I’m still checking in.
The hard:
Getting back to writing my book. It’s been on hold most of this summer. I need to print everything out and see what I’ve done, where I am, and where I need to go. Extremely overwhelming.
Learning how to take care of myself. Why is this so hard? And why can’t I make time for yoga when I love practicing it? Very frustrating.
It has been overcast, foggy, and rainy in Chicago all week. I really, really, really want to see the sun.
The good
The Hubby and I had a date day on Monday and went to The Museum of Science and Technology to see the Harry Potter exhibit, and had a great time.
I went to The Field Museum on Thursday when they had free admission. I went to two museums this week that I hadn’t been to before. It was so much fun just to wander around and see so much history.
My house is clean! I have been doing very good keeping up with the house since I function so much better when it’s not a mess. Today I cleaned off the top of my dresser and organized my jewelry. I discovered all sorts of “new” pieces I forgot I had!
I hope everyone has a good weekend!
.-= Shawna R. B. Atteberry´s last blog ..Company Girl Coffee 9/25/09 =-.
I forgot: Havi I’m so glad you got away from the jackhammers! I hope your Norwegian vacation is peaceful, full of wonder, and above all, quiet. Sleep well, my friend.
.-= Shawna R. B. Atteberry´s last blog ..Company Girl Coffee 9/25/09 =-.
Hey guys! Happy chickens.
@Serena – man, I’m sorry you had so much hard. Someone acting like a shoe is not a shoe? That’s a second shoe! Totally unfair.
My take is that any time we perceive something as a shoe, it’s a shoe. Even if later we decide that maybe it wasn’t intended that way — in that moment when it hurts, it’s a shoe.
And when we don’t acknowledge the pain of the shoe, that not-acknowledging just turns into more shoes, you know?
So it sucks that you had to deal with the shoe and I’m sorry that you also had the shoe of people questioning your perception of the shoe, which probably hurt as much or more as the original shoe. Hug to you!
@Emily – Happy Birthday!!
@Barbara – Los Angeles Urban Chicken Enthusiasts! Awesome.
@ilikered – oh nooooo! I’m sorry to hear that. That is a big, uncomfortable chunk of hard to have to deal with. I’m getting that you’re feeling anxious and frustrated when you start wondering about how people are really relating to your work.
And that totally makes sense (even when you know that someone being an ass doesn’t mean have to negate the power of your work). Hugs for the hard. Yuck. Sorry.