Friday chickenBecause it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

Sixty Chickens. Ridiculous.

I mean, impressive.

And just so you know I’m on Extremely Necessary Vacation right now — not quite the same as Emergency Vacation, but similar. I’ll still be here, though.

Because come on. I wouldn’t miss a Friday Chicken.

The hard stuff

Being in motion.

The whole being-on-the-go thing makes running a business somewhat difficult.

Even when you have an efficient, well-trained pirate crew.

It’s just hard.


I don’t like them.

This is not new.


The three weeks of running around before Berlin, combined with the three weeks of chaos, confusion, jackhammers, fireworks and general madness in Berlin have officially taken their toll.

I’m not doing much of anything except sleeping.

Coming to terms with leaving Berlin.

For me, Berlin has always been a place for big, crazy creative growth.

It’s where I’ve always gotten my very best thinking and writing done.

But this time, it was a period of fog and confusion and horribleness.

Usually I leave with a heavy heart. This time I just couldn’t wait to get out.

Buying a bathing suit.

As soon as it became clear that the Extremely Necessary Vacation involved a place where one might need a swimsuit, I went into all sorts of dreaded internal places.

Especially since I just got one (a gorgeous one! from someone on Etsy!) in July.

And of course now I don’t have it with me. So I had to go shopping, which is — extreme understatement! — not my cup of tea.

And I had to try on bathing suits, which is pretty much my least favorite thing in the world. Gah. Traumatic.

The good stuff

The Herr Lehmann inspired bathing suit Expotition.

So my gentleman friend and I are, oddly enough, in complete agreement as to our two favorite German novels.

I refer, of course, to Faserland by the inimitable Christian Kracht, and Herr Lehmann by Sven Regner.

After that, our tastes diverge considerably. We both like Uwe Timm, but I prefer the sweet, thoughtful, funny Entdeckung der Currywurst while he goes for the dark, powerful, introspective Am Beispiel Meines Bruders and Rot.

And the split widens from there.

But we can always agree on our two favorites. So, as soon as I said “bathing suit”, he insisted that we follow Herr Lehmann’s awkward and uncomfortable footsteps by copying that character’s delightfully awful search for a bathing suit, as described in the book.

So we headed out towards the Karstadt on Hermann Platz. We didn’t actually make it there because our Expotition took a turn for the weird, but we tried.

It was like when people read the words of famous poets where they were originally written. Only somewhat less romantic.

Anyway, I got a bathing suit. And I didn’t cry.

And It was worth it.

Because sitting in a hot tub at night while looking out at the Baltic Sea was exactly the right get-well tonic for my ragged nervous system.

Recovery mode is the place to be right now.

Goodbye, Berlin.

I taught my last few classes.

Spent time with friends.

My gentleman friend and I spotted two herons when we went for a walk by the Lietzensee. We even saw one of them having a (slippery, squirmy) breakfast.

Also a swan and some ducks. And a bird that looked like the offspring of a pigeon and a duck.

Like a puck. Or a digeon.*

*See the title of this week’s Chicken for the stupidest, yet also the funniest pun of the week.

Anyway, there were some nice moments.

Something I’ve never done before.

The cool thing about having taught in one place (Berlin) once a year for five years is that I have some pretty advanced students by now.

I turned my last class into an Advanced Shiva Nata Practice class and taught Level 4 and Level 5.

Not only have I never taught Level 5 before, I don’t know that Level 5 has ever been taught before.

The way I learned it was through Andrey giving me the formula — and then just memorizing the sequences. But taught? In a class?

It was really, really cool.

Something else I’ve never done before.

And then I also did the thing I’ve been steadfastly refusing to do in all my years of teaching in Berlin, which is to go on a Stadtrundfahrt, one of the tour-the-city-by-boat things.

It had just always struck me as kind of tacky and embarrassing.

Well. It turns out that you get a completely new and gorgeous perspective of the city that way. And seeing all my favorite bridges from underneath was awesome.

And drinking beer in the sun while gliding down a canal is actually a perfectly lovely thing to do — even for a pirate queen. I love being wrong when it’s that kind of wrong.

And … one more thing I’ve never done before.

I’m in Norway right now. I know!

And … playing live at the meme beach house!

Yes, that’s a Stuism too.

Though there aren’t any Stuisms this week because Stu is still living in my suitcase. And not happy about it, I might add.

Actually, that’s not correct. I am mostly aware of the fact that Stu is a piece of software and, as such, lives in my computer and not in a suitcase. But I have taken on the appalling habit of confusing him with the headset that makes his existence possible.

Anyway, he’s not around. But back to the fake band of the week.

My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”

So this week, I’m torn between Avoid The Conditional and Wiederverschliessbar Again.

But either way, pretty sure it’s just one guy.

That’s it for me …

And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.

Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?

And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious weekend. And a happy week to come.

The Fluent Self