A somewhat goofy mini-collection of stuff I’ve been reading, stuff I’ve been thinking about and oh, some completely random crap.
Basically the stuff that never gets mentioned here because I’m not the kind of person who can just make some teeny little point. Not into the whole brevity thing, as the Dude would say.
Actually, I’m under the strict compulsion to write ten pages about anything on my mind. So this is me. Practicing brevity.
So last week Tuesday felt like Wednesday. This week Wednesday feels like Tuesday.
And I don’t even know what that means.
Lots of good stuff this week. Let’s go.
Also, I include links to Twitter handles too, when I can. If you’re not a fellow Twitterite, here’s my post about why it’s so great.
Item! Post No. 21 in a semi-ongoing series that gives me time to not be even slightly brilliant or amusing as I distract you with shiny bits of fabulousness.
Item! This post is brilliant.
It’s called “This is not a post about why I haven’t been blogging.”
It’s from Maggie at Okay Fine Dammit.
And it’s completely brilliant.
I can see it. I can. I suppose, if I were to sit here and thumb through these posts like a paperback I’m casually perusing I might gasp at all the angst, but honestly, that’s not the way my life goes.
It only looks that way if you try to measure me by this space, and in reality this space is just a place I come to dump out the contents of my brain when it is full to the point of aching — yes, more often than not, those are times when I am puzzling something out, when I am attempting to make sense of car accidents or the loss of a child or of one person hitting another in anger.
You need to read it.
She’s @maggiedammit on Twitter.
Item! Gold buckle up. It’s the LAW.
So when you have a duck people send you duck-related stuff until you have to duck hide from them.
Now that I’m running a pirate ship, I get a lot of pirate-related stuff.
But I have to say that these Pirate Laws are completely entertaining. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
When describing the size of a treasure, a pirate is required to exaggerate by at least 130%. Flowers are not treasure under any circumstances, unless said flowers are made out of gold.
Thanks Wendy Cholbi who is @wendycholbi on Twitter.
Item! A factory that makes hearts!
Seriously. Who doesn’t want a heart factory?
I have no idea.
Item! A talk with a dragon!
I thought this Dragon vs. Monkey post from Heather Freeman was pretty amazing.
She takes one of my techniques, pokes at it tentatively from different angles and then runs with it.
She talks to her dragon. She finds her monkey. She gets stuff done. Pretty neat.
Image: a dark, forbidding cave entrance. A reptilian head slowly peers out, the bulk of its body not much more than a shadow. It’s a Komodo dragon.
Definitely worth reading.
And she’s @livingartist on Twitter.
Item! This is crazy! But only if you’re me.
Okay. So I have not as yet officially announced the weekend workshop I’m teaching in North Carolina in August (or even linked to it from the blog until right this second).
But it’s actually already more than half full.
Because my people are hardcore wily obsessive fond of North Carolina awesome. I have no idea how this happened. But it did.
So I’ll just say that if it’s your kind of thing you might want to see about signing up before I go ahead and actually tell people about it somewhere other than here in the Item! post.
Item! Don’t go near the Anagram Generator!
Oh. My. God. This might be even better than NPR names!
So the first thing that comes up for my name when you plug it into the evil time-consuming anagram generator that is made entirely of yay?
Ravish Book! Which is so ridiculously appropriate if you know anything about me.
Though I’m also Shiva Brook. Interesting. I mean, especially when you think about the fact that the crazy power of deconstructing patterns lives in my brain and stuff.
Anyway, Marissa (my First Mate) and I have gotten kind of obsessed with it and it ended up taking up a chunk of one of our Kitchen Table (or: Betcha Tinkle) chat room adventures.
Some of the names people came up with? Luau Jitters. Narwhal Wet. Dairyman Mule. Cleaned Nail Men. A Healed Silk Pinko.
I don’t know what we’re going to do with them. Become exotic dancers? Use them as band names? Or — ooh! — new business names?
Because I don’t know about you, but I’m totally hiring A Laundry Mime.
(And I’m pretty sure I saw Cornea Lingerie performing at a drag show in Berlin once.)
Of course then we had to look up our businesses. So Marissa’s “Can-do-ology” is “Any Cool God.” But also: “Any Loco God.” Awesome.
And when I say Marissa, I mean her band Karma Ascribe, her business A Basic Remarkers, her side business Sarcasm Baker I, and of course her exotic dancer nom de guerre Maracas Bikers.
Meanwhile The Fluent Self is Nettle Shuffle, which I’m pretty sure was a dance craze in the fifties. YES! It also becomes Teen Hell Stuff, which might be even better.
Leave your anagram-ed up name and/or business in the comments!
Thanks @joyfulmess for the link.
That is all.
Happy reading.
And happy Blustery Windsday. See you tomorrow.
You’re coming over to North Carolina? I’ll have to hop in my car and drive by to deliver that package of duck paraphernalia I *still* haven’t sent from that duck-friendly hotel (the Peabody). ๐
@Dave – duck paraphernalia!
BTW I had to put “Rock Your Day” into the anagram generator and came up with Yak Corduroy and Car Dorky You, both of which are pretty great. You might want to grab those domains …. ๐
I put my full name (David Ragnar Navarro) in there and got this back:
“Drag Raid Van Van Roar”
I want that on my tombstone, just to make people go “Wait … what?”
“Don’t miss Yak Corduroy playing at You Dorky Car this Friday. Provocative lead singer Drag Raid (formerly of Drag and the Van Van Roars) will not disappoint!”
I have to be there. Because wow.
Wait … what?
I have known for years that my name anagrams to “Jeremiah Twain”.
I refer to it as my built-in pseudonym, but I have yet to find anything interesting to do with it. I love the fact that the last name is “Twain”, just like Samuel Clemens’ pseudonym. =)
Oh, that anagram generator is Evil Incarnate! What a way to waste a couple of hours. If only I were a had a bad broadcast voice, I could go by Radio Maxi Lisp.
Lori Paximadiss last blog post..random bits
My favorite anagrams that came up for my name are:
Vibrator Chair Duo (sounds like something @SpicyPrincess might sell)
Roach Diva Burrito (delicious AND high-maintenance!)
Now I need to go plug my husband’s name in and see what anagram-y goodness comes out.
My day just went Poof! Lori is right – this thing is Pure Evil.
This is my official place to come when I feel like I need to lose touch with reality.
I’m proud to be… Atone Hand Jam.
If only you knew how true this was. I’m not kidding.
I had to try that anagram link. My best one? Inane Lube. And for my full name, Bugbear Men Linen.
Thanks for the wednesday fun break ๐
Annie Blues last blog post..Bandages for Eczema, or Incognito Wounds
Yikes — must have missed the delete key or something.
Also, putting in one’s ex’s name might yield such surprisingly apt names as Knavery Seek I or Ay Severe Kink. Just sayin’.
Lori Paximadiss last blog post..random bits
Too much fun:) Work, what work? Apparently I haven’t spent enough time with anagrams over the years because I’ve only just realized my first name is an anagram for Allure. Not sure what to make of that.
My first, last and middle initial become such fun things as Haiku Roller Gull and Illegal Hour Lurk while my full name can become Gorilla Rule Hulk Hut, Lethal Guru Hour Kill, or Allegro Uh Uh Lit Lurk. (And they even have other languages to explore!!)
Let the record reflect that I am now officially known as:
Beau Steak Muffin
That is all.
Favorite anagrams (so far):
Drama Zing Loins (female exotic dancer name)
Amazing Rod Nils (male exotic dancer name)
Amazing Lord Sin (owns the exotic dance club)
Amazon Din Girls (house band @same)
I might add that all the well drinks are mixed with Lizards Moan Gin.
Thanks for harpooning any hopes I had for a productive afternoon!
@Liz – Lizards Moan Gin is pretty fantastic.
@Fabeku – Hawt! You *are* Beau Steak Muffin. Mm-hmmm.
@Laurel – Allegro Uh Uh Lit Lurk! I think I saw her play in Berkeley. Fabulous.
@Annie + @Victoria – you girls definitely need to talk to the Spicy Princess. A line of Inane Lube and Vibrator Chair Duo and/or Roach Diva Burrito? I think someone has a potential hit product here. A really, really weird one, but hmmm.
@Lori + @Jonathan – I’m laughing and not even sure why. But fabulous. FABULOUS.
@Marijane – that’s so perfect! My gentleman friend is a descendant of “uncle mark”, so you’re practically family. Love it.
Great googly moogly, this tool is all kinds of dangerous fun.
Practical Archivist becomes *Patriarchs Act Civil*
(Yeah, like I have that kind of power over time and space…)
The one about the *Cravat Critical Ship*
I will trail behind your pirate ship, Havi, in my trusty ship The Critical… which is stuffed with cravats in every possible color combination. My pirate name will be Chirp, and ye shall call for me thusly when you need a cravat: *Avast Critical Chirp!* When absolutely necessary, I will bring out my secret weapon, the *Tactical Arc Shiv Rip* and what a lovely piece of work it is. And by lovely, I mean dangerous and pirate-y.
Break time’s over, gotta run!
Sally J.s last blog post..Great Read: The Museum of Obsolete Technology
I’m trying to decide whether or not to be offended that my name is an anagram for “Lichee Smell Slur.” And I’m afraid “Lechers Semi Lull” isn’t much better. “Secure Smell Hill” sounds like a disgusting military objective. “Merciless Eh Lull” implies that I’m boring. And “Clueless Her Mill” that I’m stupid.
Although I guess I could always open a Mexican food restaurant called “Chile Smells Rule.”
Michelle Russells last blog post..Aiming to Please
Yes indeed I am now
Sane Art Nerd
Andis last blog post..Can You Help Me Out?
Golly that anagram thingy is awesome!
I’m thinking “Helluva Navel Goo” has potential (for what…I don’t know.) Or “A Novella Love Hug”.
Then there are the ones that are kind of naughty. Like “A Vulva Gone Hello”. Or “Venal Hula Love Go”.
The glories of lots of L’s and V’s.
Avonelle Lovhaugs last blog post..Source Code Control: Snapshots of the Code (and why business people should care)
Good God Havi! There are over 66,000 anagrams for my name! That is totally crazy! Who knew? My favorite to date is Abreast Wrath Yen.
I wonder what typing Pentecost or Holy Spirit would do? Need sermon inspiration….
Shawna R. B. Atteberrys last blog post..Happy Anniversary! Or I’m so happy The Hubby decided to spend the rest of his life with me!
Thanks for ruining my day!
My name in the anagram generator yielded:
“Rated as sorry”
There goes my self-esteem….
RayDs last blog post..Pointwood big band in Bratislava
You guys are just too funny!
My “every day” name (first name and short version of last name) gives me:
Sonic Hair Jeer: band name;
Jean Ochre Iris: sounds like a good “Airy Fairy Woo Woo Service Provider” (as Naomi would say) name;
Air Cheer Joins or Air Cheers Join: could certainly be some kind of business (wanna join the Air Cheerers Club? we blow kisses!);
Nacho Jeer Iris: could be good friend with Roach Diva Burrito.
Of course, using the long version of my last name has lots of potential, and when I added my middle name initial, the first thing to pop up was: A A Chickenfeed Jollier Shirt. Cracks me up.
And Havi, tell me: would your Teen Hell Stuff consider having a booth at A Technicised Hell Joker Fair?
Josianes last blog post..When life hands you lemons *and* makes the lemonade
Oh, wow! This is so very cool! It must have taken you forever. Thank you for making my day. ๐ ๐ ๐
maggie, dammits last blog post..Saying it the only way I know how (war and confusion and love and thanks)
My name is pretty short so it didn’t come up with a lot. Probably the best one is Grin I Ill, which I would probably change to Ill I Grin, which it didn’t list for some reason.
My business name yielded Hazy Zany Fry Pup. I have an image in my head of a zany puppy working in a restaurant as a fry cook. That could make a good cartoon.
The business I’m starting with a friend yielded Fireman Harry Toy. I can just see him, all cute in his little firefighter outfit.
Riins last blog post..Uncle
Oh no, no, no. I did NOT need to know about that anagram site. Must.step.away.NOW.
Katy Tafoyas last blog post..Looking for Great PR? Now Is Your Chance to Learn From the Pros
Oh no, I’m hooked good now! When I entered just my first name, it came up with *no anagrams*! None! That just struck me as weird, but then I put my first and last name in and it came up with 38265, some of which were:
Malaria Zinfandel
Aria Zinfandel Lam (it likes Zinfandel)
Alarm And Finalize
Anal Lizard Famine (that’s a disturbing image)
Amazed Afar Nil Nil (a little too close to my actual state of mind these days)
Amaze Drain Fall In
I tried my tentative business name and got these:
Satanic Diva Rift
Variant Acid Fits
Activist And Fair
Anna-Lizas last blog post..Pollyanna Gets Dirty
I’m presently having visiting cards engraved with my new anagrammatic name:
Unleash My Dyke.
My friend Dave says this felicity is proof of Intelligent Design. And coming as it does just one day after the California Supreme Court let me stay married, it’s timely, too.
Melyndas last blog post..It’s Not All Gracious Living Around Here
Amassing Morsels
So true!
That anagram thingy is hilarious!
Yours truly,
Goblin Em, who loves big men, lo!
(a.k.a. the Lib Gnome)
Hernial Lice – sounds very uncomfortable or,
Rain Ice Hell – sounds it
Or Secret Wormy translates to
Rectory Mews & Screwy Metro…
Wormys last blog post..Decisions, Decisions
Oh! I can’t stop laughing. And this is A Good Thing, because I’m in bed with a cold and have been feeling very miserable.
My anagrams look like a story waiting to be told… There are an awful lot of beasts, along with savants, babes, vastnesses, sabers, taverns, breasts, braveness and the Navy. Oh, and abysses! And Tasty Verbena Bass รขโฌโ I love a story with good food!
Beta Abyss Servant
My current name makes some half-decent anagrams, but my favorite one is an anagram of my old name: “A dark old woman. A neat anagram!”
Paces last blog post..Book Bonanza Wednesday! Chapter 20: Memory
I tried my name and a lot of the things were very strange, talked about nasal passages and such… but this is the one that struck me. My web site “Raw Food Switch” became:
Adrift Cow Show
Pretty awesome. Thanks for sharing the wackiness Havi! ๐ I liked “Shiva Brook” it was an interesting one, what with the Dance of Shiva and all. ๐
Nathalie Lussiers last blog post..Is It Necessary To Go 100% Raw?
Okay, Melynda wins. Because Unleash My Dyke is just the coolest and most fortuitous thing ever. The timing is genius.
But all of them, really.
Adrift Cow Show is what you see after the lumberjack show. Beta Abyss Servant is a death metal band. Screwy Metro is a reality TV show about BART in San Francisco. Or maybe a “sex in the city” type of thing.
Goblin Em and Amassing Morsels have a magic show …
And Malaria Zinfandel? Care for a glass? How can you turn that down?
Ok – late to the party.
Andrew Lightheart = Night Wrath Leader.
My hellhound name.
Word Nerds, ftw!
Andrew Lightheart @alighthearts last blog post..I’ve overfished my pond
ooh ooh ooh…
RealSmartNow.net = watermelon rants or narrowest lament.
Two niche websites…
Well, makes ME smile.
Andrew Lightheart @alighthearts last blog post..I’ve overfished my pond
Rather Mother Nil