A somewhat goofy mini-collection of stuff I’ve been reading, stuff I’ve been thinking about and oh, some completely random crap.
Basically the stuff that never gets mentioned here because I’m not the kind of person who can just make some teeny little point. Not into the whole brevity thing, as the Dude would say.
Actually, I’m under the strict compulsion to write ten pages about anything on my mind. So this is me. Practicing brevity.
There’s stuff to read.
There are Twitter links.
There are recommendations.
It’s Wednesday practically almost Wednesday, people. Selma and I have no sense of time. But we have a lot to say. Mostly me, though. Because Selma is a duck.
Item! Post No. 23 in a series that is too sexy for its shirt. Or would be if it had one.
Item! Do you know Kirstin? Because you should.
She’ll probably kill me for mentioning this but this is fantastic.
I don’t even really like video stuff and I watch everything she does.
She does this thing called You Digest and this is what it is:
In a world of infinite media options, you are what you browse, hear, game, read, and watch. But even information omnivores can get overloaded if they let all that raw media go unprocessed.
That’s where youdigest comes in — to cure your case of digital-age dyspepsia.
It’s a digest both in the traditional sense (I summarize the day’s top stories and their sources) and in my interpretive sense (I introduce an idea that I hope creates a whole out of all of those disparate items).
I really liked this one about standardizing standards. But this primarily practical one is pretty great too.
Anyway, Kirstin is one of my favorites. And she should be one of yours too.
And she’s @kirstinbutler on Twitter.
Item! This post is the happy!
Gina Loree Marks is sweet and quirky and kind and just generally my kind of person.
I mostly know her from Twitter but recently she wrote this post about Hot Buttered Epiphanies (the kind that come with extra awesomesauce).
So yeah, she wrote about my baby Shiva Nata and she wrote about it beautifully and I am super happy that she is joining the ranks of the Shivanauts because yay!
Also, got to love her attitude.
“I can’t wait to make an arm-and-leg-flailing ass out of myself.”
Very very cool.
She’s @gloreebe88 on Twitter.
Item! Exactly! No, exactly!
This perfect little article from the Onion is called Area Man Not Exactly Sure Why Doctor Needed Him Undressed For That.
And it’s such a tiny, succinct, graceful summing up of why I can’t stand going to the doctor.
“He asked me about my smoking and my sleep patterns and stuff, then he looked in my ears and throat, and checked my heartbeat with his stethoscope, and that was it,” the baffled, nude Lyons said.
Right? Exactly.
Item! I am in love with this site!
It’s called the River Junction Trade Company and it’s basically what a Victorian website would look like if the Victorians had had websites.
And this is so where I am getting all my clothes now. Oh. My. God. The best.
Item! I’m on the blogroll over at Jenny the Bloggess!
Okay, so are six thousand other people there too but hooray and I didn’t even beg to be there.
You already read Jenny, right?
If not, start with THIS:
“If anything, I’M being exploited”
The most genius answer ever to many a finger-wagging lecture about how you shouldn’t blog about … whatever it is.
Item! Introducing the Decoder Ring Theater!
Actually, I’m kind of hoping you already know about them.
Because yay!
But if you aren’t familiar yet with the Decoder Ring Theatre, here’s what it is:
A crew of Canadians producing adventure serials in a kind of ‘30s/’40s Golden Age of radio style… and you can listen to them as podcasts and they are all kinds of excellent.
There’s the noir private eye (Black Jack Justice), the rooftop dwelling caped crusader (Red Panda), the heroic space jockey (Deck Gibson), and so on.
And nothing makes me happier than hearing the voice of … Trixie Dixon, girl detective.
It’s pretty impossible not to become a fan, even if you aren’t an old-timey radio buff. My gentleman friend got me on board and yeah, they’re great.
As he puts it, they evoke the good ol’ days with great respect … and a big fat wink.
Item! Sale price of “Stuff Havi Thinks You Should Know” ends Thursday!
Today (and maybe tomorrow?) is the last chance to get the homestudy version of the Stuff Havi Thinks You Should Know About Testimonials & Referrals course at the old price.
Because the price goes up Thursday. I’d be more specific but Peggy (one of my assistants) will be doing it and I haven’t the slightest idea when she’s doing it.
There are recordings. There are examples. There are things I didn’t promise in the class but gave anyway like ebooklets. And six “sample asks” that you can make your own. There’s even a transcript on its way.
Take a look if you need ways to get people to talk up your cool thing without having to actually ask them to or to feel all awkward and weird about it.
Also: there’s a significant discount for regular blog readers. You just need to know who Selma is. And I know you know who Selma is.
That is all.
Happy reading.
And happy (almost, kind of, eventually) Blustery Windsday. See you tomorrow.
On actual Wednesday. When I’m (possibly) less confused.
I’m already devoted to Jenny the Bloggess, and now I can see I’ll be spending a lot of time at Decoder Ring Theater and on Gina’s lovely blog. I guess I’ll just have to give up work, ’cause I’ve given up about as much sleep as I can manage!
Anna-Lizas last blog post..Time Waits for No Pollyanna
Wow – as usual I follow the links and am thrilled with all the new goodness you point out. My favorites this week?
1) The Onion article (since I *just* got back from a hospital experience – bleck)
2) the River Junction Trade Company (I totally need knickers and pantaloons – though I have no idea when I’ll wear them, but they come in red and black which are totally my colors)
3) Jenny, la Bloggess (OK, I read her anyway, but an extra shout-out never hurts)
Thank you so much for these little lists of cool things!
“Canada’s Greatest Superhero…”
So if a Shivanaut and and Pandanaut combined would it be Shivamonium or Pandabutter & Shiva sandwiches?
Anyway, glad to hear that yet another person I like is getting into Gregg Taylor’s demented take on what pulp stories would be like if they didn’t take themselves seriously. (There may or may not be a moral in that, but there are surely some Tim Bits involved.)
Does your pirate ship need a jester? After listening to Christopher Moore’s “Fool” on Audible, I’m thinking that may be a good career choice for me and am looking for a venue.
@Gilbert – whoah, Pirate ship jester. That hadn’t even occurred to me. FABULOUS.
Also, Shivamonium is my new favorite word.
@Casey – right? Knickers and pantaloons! Knickers and pantaloons! I could not be more excited. Yes!
@Anna-Liza – I apologize for messing up your sleeping schedule. It’s wrong of me. Very.
I also get completely maddeningly overwhelmed by how much great stuff there is out there. Sigh.
Hi again… and thank you for including me here, and among such awesome company. Why the heck I haven’t read The Blogess before, I have no idea. Even after hearing about her. Another top shelf addition to my google reader. (It’s getting crowded up there…)
And I fully expect to see a photo of you sporting a satin rose reticule. Whatever the hell that is.
Ginas last blog post..to-do list of the soul
@Gina – oh, yeah. Sorry about that. Jenny is highly addictive.
I don’t know what a satin rose reticule is either. But that does not in the slightest dampen my desire and/or intention to have one. Man. So so cool.
And it’s about time you were on here, really. I don’t know what took me so long.
*whines* HaviiIIIII!
I can’t read Wednesdays anymore.
Too. Much. Interesting. Stuff.
*hits subscribe*
*hits it again*
Andrew Lightheart @alighthearts last blog post..Structure your presentation to answer their questions
The Onion article? Yeah, exactly!
Thank you for introducing us to the Decoder Ring Theater! That sounds awesome! I’m sure my gentleman friend and I will really enjoy it.
Josianes last blog post..Traveling Muffins