A somewhat goofy mini-collection of stuff I’ve been reading, stuff I’ve been thinking about and oh, some completely random crap.
Basically the stuff that never gets mentioned here because I’m not the kind of person who can just make some teeny little point. Not into the whole brevity thing, as the Dude would say.
Actually, I’m under the strict compulsion to write ten pages about anything on my mind. So this is me. Practicing brevity.
Okay. Usually what I do in the Item! posts is link to writing I’ve found interesting. Oh, and I rant some and wander off on tangents. Also I get excited about weird little things.
This week though there are all these things that are happening or about to happen.
So today’s (Item! Special Edition!) edition is more “stuff I think you should be doing” instead of “stuff I think you should be reading and thinking about”. Well, after I go on and on about the Blazers game last night.
Shall we?
I include links to Twitter handles too, when I can. If you’re not a fellow Twitterite, here’s my post about why it’s so great.
Item! Post No. 18 in a semi-ongoing series that lets me share things I’m excited about in ridiculous run-on sentences.
Item! I have a thing! It’s a “the Blazers are still kicking ass (as of last night)” thing!
Blazers. BLAZERS!
I love basketball. I’m not allowed to watch it because I get way too involved and also we don’t have a television. But I was able to sneakily get in the vicinity of someone else’s television twice this week.
Truth is, it’s not like I am a hardcore Blazers fan so much as I get obsessive over basketball and yeah, now I live in Portland. So how can I not? Tell me that! Okay, don’t tell me.
And also I need something to replace my irrational dislike of Indiana … and Texas is top in the running since the great taxicab debacle.
Normally I’d put this in the Friday Chicken Check-in (Item! On Friday there will be a chicken check-in!) but the boys might lose tomorrow and then I’d have to put it in the “hard” section instead of the “good”.
Tfu tfu tfu. Spit three times to avert the evil eye.
Moral of this piece: don’t let me watch basketball. It makes me hyper and crazy.
Alright! On to the “stuff I think you should be doing when you’re not watching basketball” bits.
Item! Sarah has a thing! It’s an art thing!
Sarah Marie Lacy (yes, I’ve talked about her before) is doing a neat Mother’s day thing.
She’s giving away — to one person who is on her mailing list — an 8×10 print of any of her paintings (whichever one you like, and they’re all gorgeous).
You can enter the drawing through this Sunday, May 3rd (or until very early Monday morning) and Sarah’s mum will pick the winner.
Sarah’s a classy chick and she’s not going to be all spamtastically horrible if you sign up for her list. Plus her stuff is amazing and she’s a sweet, generous, wonderful person.
Art! Free print of something beautiful! Sarah! I approve. Go sign up.
And then come back here because there’s more good stuff.
She’s @smlacy on Twitter.
Item! Cairene has a thing! It’s a getting stuff done thing!
Actually, you might be too late for her thing. Because it’s tomorrow and for all I know registration is closed.
But she does it on the last Thursday of every month and it’s freaking amazing. Sign up for next month if you can’t make it to this one.
You spend three and a half hours getting stuff done. And not just any stuff. The stuff that is hiding out at the very bottom of your to-do list.
It’s a really supportive environment, Cairene is fantastic (I’ve hired her to coach me and am so completely impressed with the results) and I’m always there and afterwards your “crap, how have I not done these things yet” list is way shorter and way less scary.
Also, it’s only $25 which is insane and I keep telling her she has to triple that price and she might listen to me at some point. So you should really sign up as soon as you can.
EDIT: I just talked to Cairene and she’s already updated the sign-up page for next month. But … she agreed to let three more people in. So if you email her or reply/DM her on Twitter, maybe you’ll be one of the three! Yay!
And she’s @thirdhandworks on Twitter.
Item! Steve has a thing! An internet-related thing that isn’t gross or stupid!
My friend Steve Spalding is a gem. Seriously.
He’s one of the most genuinely mensch-like good-guy trust-him-completely people I know. Meeting him in person at SXSW and getting to spend a few days hanging out with him confirmed that he really is that guy.
I cannot say enough good things about Steve. So I’ll stop trying.
His new book — All The Little Things (Get the advice you need to get your great idea out of the garage and onto the web) — is full of usefulness.
Also, right now you can read it for free because (for now) the whole thing is up on the website.
And you can do what I did and buy the PDF version with free updates forever for practically nothing ($7!? See, Steve is an amazingly generous soul) which you can do until May 15th.
Go take a look.
And he’s @sbspalding on Twitter.
Item! Jen is doing a thing!
I have raved about this before. Jen Hofmann does her amazing Office Spa Day twice a month.
You spend quality time with your office and figuring out how to make it work for you. And you clear out some piles and generally feel good about yourself.
Because being around Jen makes everything better.
This Saturday morning. May 2nd. $35. Totally worth it. You can sign up here.
I will be there. With bells on.
And she’s @inspiredjen on Twitter.
Item! I am doing a thing too!
Yep. My class on “Stuff Havi Thinks You Should Know About How To Get Really, Really Great Testimonials and Referrals Without Having To Feel Gross or Weird About it” starts this weekend.
This is not common-sense boring “oh, just get over yourself and ask” sort of stuff. It is genius techniques. It is very specific. It will change your business if you have one and it will save you years of doing stuff the stupid way if you are going to have one.
Also, there’s lots of me-answering-all-your-questions bits so that we can help you apply my techniques to whatever weird situation you’re in at the moment.
And you can sign up and get the digital homestudy version of this even if you’re not planning on coming to the classes.
Most important point here: It will cost more once the class starts.
And then you’ll start reading about people’s results and how they’re connecting with more of their Right People in a natural, organic, non-sleazy way and not having to constantly stress-out over the where is everybody thing.
And then you’ll kick yourself for not having done it now.
And then I’ll feel awful. So just sign up.
(Also: you save $100 by being able to answer one of two questions and since I am an incredibly nice person, you can get the answers to those two questions by reading Naomi’s post where beans are spilled).
That is all.
Enough with all the things that are happening.
I need to go figure out how my duck and I can accidentally get near a television tomorrow for the game.
So I’ll just wish you a happy Blustery Windsday. See you tomorrow.
Havi, I love you. Just for being madly crazy when you’re enthusiastic and crazily generous with your support for others. That’s all. 🙂
OMG. The Office Spa thing sounds so cool – thanks for the link! I can’t do it this week but it’s so going in my calendar, probably for next month, ’cause OMGsocheap.
Havi, I have a question for you. I’m a writer. (I’m having Issues with the whole actually-doing-the-writing thing, but, yes.) So “testimonials” aren’t something that I can ever really see coming up in my job. But of course, there will come a time when I’m looking for people to review and comment on my work. Do you think that what you have to say about testimonials could apply to potential reviewers as well?
Lucy Viret (aka randomling)s last blog post..Willingness.
Havi, you are a very generous soul to promote people like this.
*Ahem* I also have a thing happening this weekend. Anyone in the Los Angeles area should come, it’s totally free. Meet lots of artists (including me), ogle all their cool art, enjoy the soCal sunshine, music, food, free parking, the whole works. See my blog post below for details.
Barbara J Carters last blog post..Come to Calabasas for some art
Er, a follow-up to the last comment – Havi, I will find out the answer to your question on Sunday, ’cause I am all signed up!
Lucy Viret (aka randomling)s last blog post..Willingness.
[shakes head] Answer to MY question, even.
It’s the end of the day…
Lucy Viret (aka randomling)s last blog post..Willingness.
I love reading these Item! posts!
I always feel more exclamation point-y afterward – like everything is worth getting excited about!
Victoria Brouhard (@victoriashmoria)s last blog post..Being Me, Not a Metaphor
@Fi – I’m taking that as a compliment! And I love you too. You’re one of the many seriously great people that I never would have met without this blog.
@Lucy – oh most definitely! “testimonials” is really a stupid little word … the course will cover getting absolutely any form of recommendation, blurb, review, etc and how not to seem as though you’re asking and have the other person trip over themselves to give it to you.
@Barbara – oh that sounds lovely. And good for you for biggifying it here and telling us about it. What a great thing to model for the rest of us. WONDERFUL!
@Victoria – completely. I get out all my exclaim-ey stuff for the week in these posts. It’s so much fun to just have a day when I can be completely hyper and silly. Item! Yes, I crack myself up.
So … glad I’m not the only one who finds these amusing. Sigh. 🙂
Havi. Havihavihavi. As if it isn’t enough that you sent the cutest, dearest gift ever – you generously shamelessly promote what I’m up to. I’m honestly choked up, it means so much to me.
Yes. I am so glad you’ll be back at Spa Day. I’ve missed you. I hope this means you are healing.
Huge hugs and deep gratitude,
Ah, the Blazers, those crazy heartbreakers. I miss living in Portland.
fatnutritionists last blog post..Your body is your home.