by Havi Brooks | Oct 1, 2008 | mindful time management, not hating on yourself, stuff I think about
Apparently — and we’ll talk some other time about why you need other people to take care of your customer support email — I missed Anti-Procrastination Day. Apparently, as an expert on the topic who has written an entire book on Dissolving...
by Havi Brooks | Sep 29, 2008 | not hating on yourself, working on patterns & habits
Roadblocks! The symbolic, metaphorical kind! Yes, they are not fun. And yes, they happen. It is the nature of roads that sometimes things will be blocking them. Like this: You have a plan. You think it’s a genius plan. You do the work to move through your fear,...
by Havi Brooks | Sep 24, 2008 | not hating on yourself, stucknesses & stuckification, working on patterns & habits
We had some pretty intense discussion happening in the comments section of last week’s talking truth to fear post. And not intense in a bad way. The opposite, in fact. Really good points being brought up, people showing up and respectfully debating ideas and, in...
by Havi Brooks | Sep 11, 2008 | not hating on yourself, stucknesses & stuckification, working on patterns & habits
A few years ago I took a course with some semi-famous biggified chick on getting over the fear of cold calling. To be honest, I could not care less about cold calling. I was there for the fear. Cold calling just isn’t really my style. And at this point in my...
by Havi Brooks | Sep 9, 2008 | my personal practice, not hating on yourself
I have to tell you a story. All true. It’s about the second-worst summer of my life. And to understand the second-worst summer of my life you really have to understand the week or so preceding it. Bad things come in threes? I was 19. Living in Tel Aviv. Studying...
by Havi Brooks | Aug 21, 2008 | not hating on yourself, stucknesses & stuckification, working on patterns & habits
There’s this thing — yes, a thing, don’t make me get all specific — that invariably comes up when you talk to people about habits and how their habits work. And this thing annoys the pants off of pretty much everybody. Here’s what...