by Havi Brooks | Nov 14, 2017 | my personal practice
Derailed. This morning all my plans for a day of Making Big Progress On The Project were waylaid by what is ultimately, I hope, a minor crisis or maybe even not a crisis at all, but which felt/feels more like an enormous insurmountable disaster, and I cried, in...
by Havi Brooks | Nov 3, 2017 | my personal practice
A chicken of Do you remember when we used to chicken (as a verb) on Fridays? A shared ritual in the form of PAUSING TO REFLECT, then checking in here to share what was observed. The check-in-ing sounds like chickening, the words get tangled up, as sometimes happens to...
by Havi Brooks | Oct 17, 2017 | my personal practice
Paths I am driving across North America because a bridge told me to (more on that later) and I am walking labyrinths in each place I pass through, it is absolutely remarkable how many labyrinths hide in plain sight, you might be in Cody, Wyoming, land of big sky and...
by Havi Brooks | Sep 10, 2017 | my personal practice
Grief is agony I keep learning and relearning this, and it is hard to say what is is most painful, the waves-on-top-of-waves of sadness, or the way I keep sailing directly into the rage storms, hurting and hurtling, giving the storm the middle finger and sailing into...
by Havi Brooks | Aug 7, 2017 | my personal practice
Courage Is Coming / Courage Is Here / Courage Restored At the door to the month of Courage, I did the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and took an exit in the form of saying a goodbye This exit has been asking me to be brave enough to take it for a long time now I...
by Havi Brooks | Jun 12, 2017 | my personal practice
Glimpses of a glimpse My secret word is GLIMPSE, I don’t know what this means but can’t wait to find out. For sure it is about perception, proprioception, perspective, a door that is an invitation, light streaming through, a sense of could be — or...