Hello, November.

Saying hello to the months is an experimental form, and always changing. This is the fifth time I’m trying this (in a row — whoah!), and each time I’ve done it differently. I’ve read over July and August and September and October, and each one...

The second time I got fired.

The thing about memory is that it can be so tricky, as we know. It rewrites itself in mysterious ways. In the wormholes. And every so often I set off on another internal investigation, only to discover that I am, yet again, wrong about so many things. That second time...

Stone skipping.

A really useful concept or thoughtful question doesn’t just sit there. It lands. And it doesn’t just land. It touches down in your consciousness and ripples out. Circles echoing circles. Reverberating. It sets off a chain of spiraling cycles that move...
The Fluent Self