Friday Chicken #165: gnoblin shoes!

In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of ritual and self-reflection. And you get to join in if you feel like it. This was another one of those weeks where things went unbelievably quickly and...


So right now it’s Rally (Rally!). This is Rally #13. Which is rather an astonishing number of Rallies to have rallied, if you think about it. Didn’t we just come up with the idea?! And we — that is to say, me, fourteen other people and Selma the duck...

Of course the answer is always HAT!

So I was in Ashland last week. And there was a hat store. And the rule of Havi states that there is no such thing as passing a hat store and not going inside to try on all the hats. And then to acquire hats! Or a hat. Because HATS! If Wile E. Coyote needed to trick me...

I am five years old.

Everyone in the building where the Playground lives wants to know what the Playground is. They see us wandering the halls in our stocking feet (or stripy-socked-feet or bare feet or sparkly legwarmer feet), wearing ridiculous hats and sometimes wings. They hear us...
The Fluent Self