My year without email. Part 2.

Yes. This is the follow-up to Part 1 which was all about the things that were hard, challenging, stressful and annoying about being on email sabbatical. This time it’s about the good parts. And yeah, there are good parts. I mean, there must have been, since...

My year without email. Part 1.

On January 12th of 2009, my duck and I decided to go on Email Sabbatical. The plan? To not read, write, or think about email. I called it the let’s see what 2009 will be like without email experiment. A month later, we wrote about it. In a post called The Great Email...

Two announcements

Housekeeping. Two announcements! Both of which are pretty useful. Sunday night is the deadline … I seriously can’t stand those emails that are all in your face every five minutes with “Two more days! and “Hurry the heck up!” and...
The Fluent Self