by Havi Brooks | Jul 2, 2009 | my personal practice
Or: A number of surprising realizations and a typewriter. Okay. Kind of left you trailing last time … let me catch you up. If you will recall, I’m getting my stitches taken out (part one) by someone fabulously incompetent. Or hilariously incompetent...
by Havi Brooks | Mar 10, 2009 | stuff I think about
Yes, it’s Purim. Unless you’re Stu (my voice to text software), in which case it’s either pour him, query him, Kareem or, weirdly, Putin. Stu doesn’t speak Hebrew. And we have some commute Haitian (communication) problems aside from that…...
by Havi Brooks | Jan 26, 2009 | my personal practice, stucknesses & stuckification, stuff I think about
I had kind of a disturbing realization this past week — and it really shook me up. Be patient with me though. It might seem kind of superficial at first glance, but it’s not: I am not an outsider. And neither are you. Whoah. Crazy. This makes no sense....
by Havi Brooks | Dec 12, 2008 | updates & announcements
Because it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection. And you get to join in if you feel like it. Okay, this week was kind...