Things I’ve learned: Kitchen Table Edition

So. I scribble a running List of Useful Stuff whenever my duck and I are teaching a program. 40% journal. 60% strategizing tool. We use the same basic breakdown as in the Friday Chicken of dividing stuff into the hard and the good, so I know what to do differently...

Do we need to sacrifice a chicken here?

I sincerely hope not. That would suck. Especially since I’m a vegetarian. Especially since tomorrow is the Friday Chicken and I’m certainly not sacrificing that one. Okay. This is not really a post. This is really more just a sustained kvetching session...

Blogging therapy: Learn from my mistakes

Doing something kinda different this week for post number fifteen in our “taking the scary out of blogging” series. And yeah, if you want to play catch-up (no obligation, of course), links to the first fourteen are hidden way down at the bottom this time....
The Fluent Self