by Havi Brooks | Jun 25, 2009 | my personal practice, updates & announcements
And some unexpected developments. The other day I got to interview the super-smart Pam Slim because she generously agreed to talk to my At the Kitchen Table group about what it means to be an intentional entrepreneur. And about … oh, goodness all sorts of other...
by Havi Brooks | Jan 15, 2009 | my personal practice, stuff I think about
I’ve been thinking a lot the past few weeks about what mysterious forces and processes come together to allow for “success” in something — insert your own definition here.* *Let’s just all try and assume for now that it’s something...
by Havi Brooks | Oct 26, 2008 | stuff I think about
It is true that sometimes I complain about being internet famous and the enormous amounts of complaints, fanmail (sometimes excessively bizarre) and general weirdness (nearly always excessively bizarre) that it generates. But the truth is that gems like this make up...
by Havi Brooks | Sep 30, 2008 | biggification, my personal practice
(Or: how not to name your business) I made the somewhat rash promise yesterday that I’d tell you all about how The Fluent Self came to be called The Fluent Self. This should really be an Ask Havi post but I can’t be bothered to dredge up a hundred emails...
by Havi Brooks | Jun 19, 2008 | stuff I think about
But let me catch everyone else up first I read a post the other day about the fear that unscrupulous so-and-sos could read your Twitter* posts and use information about your where-abouts to (god forbid) break into your home. ∗ collective stream-of-consciousness...