The We Love Fortune Chicken

Reflecting on both the hard and the good parts in the week that was… It is Friday and we are here. {a breath for being here when we get here.} Thank you, week. This is the 371st week in a row that we are chickening here together. Pretty great. Or “checking...

The Secret Sword Society

I already told the story of my brother coming home from pre-school and announcing proudly, “I know the S word!” I love S words. And I especially love how [s-words] easily turns into swords. Swords and s-words. So.

Feeling fairly Alabama Crimson.

So yesterday I was feeling so many feelings, lots and lots of feelings, related to a particular [Situation X]. Actually, this situation and I have been having the feelings together for a few months now. And, as you might suspect, I’ve been working/playing with...

Planning without planning.

There was a time (fine, whatever, most of my life) when I didn’t prepare for things. At all. I didn’t see the point. Thinking about whatever was approaching was stressful, and the dreaded doom of doom was going to happen anyway. Why bother. Avoidance...
The Fluent Self