by Havi Brooks | Jan 15, 2009 | my personal practice, stuff I think about
I’ve been thinking a lot the past few weeks about what mysterious forces and processes come together to allow for “success” in something — insert your own definition here.* *Let’s just all try and assume for now that it’s something...
by Havi Brooks | Dec 28, 2008 | stuff I think about
So this past Monday I printed a letter from a lonely young woman who was gearing up for a really hard, painful Christmas alone and wondering if I had any advice or suggestions. It was a hard letter to answer. I came up with what I could, and sent her a holiday gift of...
by Havi Brooks | Dec 22, 2008 | ask Havi
The holidays tend to trigger — in all of us — all sorts of uncomfortable stuff. Today’s Ask Havi comes from a woman in an especially tough spot. I will do what I can to come up with a kind of abridged survival guide to help her through this lonely...
by Havi Brooks | Dec 1, 2008 | stucknesses & stuckification
I got an anonymous letter. I’m going to share it with you. Here it is. I saw the very touching letter in your most recent Ask Havi post and my stomach twisted up. And I decided, what the hell, I’ll write you and Selma. I read all your blog posts and love...
by Havi Brooks | Oct 29, 2008 | mindful time management
We talked Monday about how time management is kind of a waste of time and that it’s really all about examining your relationship to time and then finding ways to make that relationship work better. Hmmm. Working on a relationship sounds kind of a lot of …....