by Havi Brooks | Nov 30, 2011 | my personal practice
Ah, it’s that time again. Of transitions and entry and going through the doors. What has happened since we said goodbye to October and then hello to November? I’m not sure. Probably lots of things! Let’s find out. How about this time we do it...
by Havi Brooks | Oct 4, 2010 | mindful time management
I wrote a post about closing doors. And then lost it. The post, yes? Which is kind of interesting, given that a lot of what I had to say about closing doors had to do with order. Anyway. I am in the process of ordering things. Not around. Just figuring out some new...
by Havi Brooks | Sep 8, 2010 | stuff I think about
There’s this thing in the world of self-help (self-helpishness? self-helpery?) where I kind of live — people are always talking about containers. About creating containers for things to happen in. I love the concept. Love it! I don’t love the word....