Vroom Vroom You’re There

Vroom Vroom You’re There The Ann Arbor Transit Authority, now the Ann Arbor Area Transit Authority, the AAATA, also known, sort of, as The Ride, has tried out some awkward and unfortunate slogans over the years, if my high school memory serves. I believe Vroom...

Crossing the Line.

Back in the day, a sailor’s first voyage across the equator was considered a big deal. It was a rite of passage. A ritual of crossing. Everything was different after it happened. Once you had crossed the line, you weren’t just a sailor anymore. You were a...

When visibility leads to safety.

So last week I wrote about sneaking into visibility. Which means: everything you do (including unlikely invisibility hacks) to help you feel safe while still letting your right people find you. And since the post was already about all things sneakified, I sneakily...
The Fluent Self