Pirate beauty and other good things.

Have you ever noticed how when you lose something you’ve written, it just happens to be the one piece that is completely brilliant? Because pretty much the only time I’m absolutely positive that what I’ve written is full of sparkly bits of genius is...

Speaking to the fog.

Last week Liz McGowen wrote a terrific post called Tina and the Troll. It was inspired by some of my wacky conversations with monsters. And it’s fascinating, because she borrowed my concept of using a negotiator to mediate the hard parts and took it somewhere...

Roses everywhere.

So usually when I talk to monsters or have long conversations with walls (or otherwise engage with my stucknesses in semi-wacky ways), there’s a lot of talking involved. Words. Because, you know, I’m that way. Verbal. Not always necessarily all that...
The Fluent Self