by Havi Brooks | Nov 24, 2008 | stucknesses & stuckification, working on patterns & habits
Okay, so this was going to be a more traditional anonymous Ask Havi about some of the different ways we can deal with heartache and pain. But I was deeply touched by this woman who wrote to me, and I am so in love with the unique, quirky “I’m a real human...
by Havi Brooks | Nov 20, 2008 | my personal practice, not hating on yourself, working on patterns & habits
Alright. I am feeling quite strongly that I need to say a bunch of stuff about writing. So I need a favor from you. If writing is not the thing you have a tortured, obsessive love-hate-love relationship with, I’d love it if you would substitute something that...
by Havi Brooks | Nov 10, 2008 | calm techniques, stucknesses & stuckification, working on patterns & habits
Let’s pretend that you have to have an awkward, uncomfortable conversation or confrontation or something else that begins with “con” coming up. And I’ll just go ahead and assume that you’re totally not looking forward to it. Anyway, even...
by Havi Brooks | Nov 6, 2008 | mindful time management, stuff I think about, working on patterns & habits
You know what people delight in? Pointing out whenever I seem to have procrastinated on something. Well, I’ll backtrack on that for the sake of clearer communication … Backtrack backtrack backtrack. Try saying that out loud. Okay. Not people, but some...
by Havi Brooks | Nov 4, 2008 | biggification, working on patterns & habits
Number five in our Tuesday series on how to take some of the scary out of blogging (or of anything else) If you want to catch up — though of course you don’t have to — start with these: Part 1. What if people are mean to me? Part 2. What if I throw a...
by Havi Brooks | Oct 13, 2008 | ask Havi, not hating on yourself, working on patterns & habits
Wow, it’s the shortest Ask Havi question ever! If only the answer could be just as short … hahahaha. Okay, here it is. “Um. How did you quit smoking? (she asked quietly and sheepishly) Actually, the subject header of this woman’s self-described...