by Havi Brooks | Sep 30, 2008 | biggification, my personal practice
(Or: how not to name your business) I made the somewhat rash promise yesterday that I’d tell you all about how The Fluent Self came to be called The Fluent Self. This should really be an Ask Havi post but I can’t be bothered to dredge up a hundred emails...
by Havi Brooks | Jul 28, 2008 | ask Havi, working on patterns & habits
Okay … can I just say that the questions I’m getting in my inbox are getting steadily randomer and randomer. And yet, I’m having fun giving them some thought. Just so as not to confuse anyone reading this post: The blog is (generally speaking)...
by Havi Brooks | Jul 18, 2008 | mindful time management
Yes, well. My month in Berlin is coming to a close. Which is something that I also sense instinctively without having to look at the calendar, because: 1. My German is finally back to the point where I can easily enjoy a five hour heart-to-heart with a friend. (Easy =...
by Havi Brooks | Jul 10, 2008 | ask Havi, calm techniques
And in the “people ask the most interesting things that I’m not always qualified to answer” department: Today’s Ask Havi edition is locality-specific … But rest assured that if you’re a smart cookie, and I know you are, you can...
by Havi Brooks | Jun 27, 2008 | biggification, stuff I think about
Selma is a superstar So — much like the kid in the Sixth Sense who “sees dead people” everywhere (a kid with whom I already over-identify as it is) — I’m seeing ducks everywhere. It does make sense that this would happen. After all, I...