by Havi Brooks | Sep 22, 2010 | updates & announcements
I miss the world of Rally (Rally!) If you do not know what a Rally is, this is the idea that gave birth to the Rally. It is a word — and concept — worthy of being enthusiastically exclaimed. And repeated. Rally! Here is what I’m missing. Everything...
by Havi Brooks | Oct 27, 2008 | mindful time management, stuff I think about
There’s a giant semi-annoying cliche in the world of people who talk about time-management and productivity stuff: we need to make better use of our time. The experts and biggifiers love to tell us about how we all have the same twenty four hours in the day...
by Havi Brooks | Jul 31, 2008 | calm techniques, stuff I think about
If you’ve ever found yourself in a meltdown moment, you know how annoying it is when someone says, “Breathe”. Because when you’re freaking the heck out, other people’s advice usually seems stupid and irrelevant — just in general,...
by Havi Brooks | Jul 22, 2008 | noozletter, not hating on yourself, stucknesses & stuckification
When you keep getting knocked down.It’s that truckload of criticism again. Criticism — the unasked-for kind that’s chock full of hurtful judgments — is no fun, to say the least. That’s not exactly news. But aside from the unpleasantness...