Directives from the Director.

So over the weekend the Director told me that I needed a chrysalis. To hide in. For three days and three nights. And she was right. As she invariably is. Her track record of being right is pretty stellar. So I listened. And then, from deep inside of the chrysalis...

Woman in search of a verb.

So this week is Rally (Rally!), and it’s Rally #12, and it is already the most ludicrously magical, silly and wondrous thing. Have you ever loved something so much it makes you want to cry from happiness that it exists? That’s how I feel about Rally....

This is what I’m feeling.

I keep talking with people this week who are … who are feeling conflicted about feeling ambivalent about feeling whatever they’re feeling. There’s got to be a better way to say that but I don’t know what it is. It’s as if we forget that...
The Fluent Self