by Havi Brooks | Aug 21, 2014 | stuff I think about, updates & announcements
Where I cover the good and the hard in my week, visiting the non-preachy side of ritual and self-reflection. It is the weekend and we are here. {a breath for Friday.} What worked this week? Deeper breathing. Ten minutes on the floor. Eyes closed. Waiting until my...
by Havi Brooks | Mar 18, 2013 | my personal practice
Personal ads. They’re … personal! Very. Each week I write these Visions of Possibility and Anticipation to practice asking for what I want. And to get clarity on what that really is, even when asking feels conflicted. I always get useful information about...
by Havi Brooks | Jan 29, 2013 | my personal practice, stuff I think about
Five cafes that count among my regular haunts. Three are named for animals. Well, two are named for animals and one ought to be. And one is the kind of place where I just can show up and say: FEED ME. They know what I like. But mostly they know that I like being...
by Havi Brooks | Feb 8, 2012 | my personal practice
So over the weekend the Director told me that I needed a chrysalis. To hide in. For three days and three nights. And she was right. As she invariably is. Her track record of being right is pretty stellar. So I listened. And then, from deep inside of the chrysalis...
by Havi Brooks | May 5, 2011 | biggification
I do not have the slightest idea what I do for a living. Nor do I wish to know. The not-knowing has worked out quite well for nearly six years of running a business, and I expect it to only get better. The grown-ups in my company (attorney, accountant, financial...