by Havi Brooks | Aug 27, 2009 | my personal practice, stucknesses & stuckification
But maybe a preview? Some of my clients and students and other Right People out there in the world are feeling … oh, conflicted. They want (or mostly want) to be writing Very Personal Ads* but they aren’t. And can’t. *The Very Personal Ads are a...
by Havi Brooks | Aug 20, 2009 | biggification, stucknesses & stuckification
So last time we talked about how I can even think about charging for things (especially “when information should really be free”). And I promised that I’d also get around to answering the people who want to know why my stuff costs what it does. One...
by Havi Brooks | Jul 28, 2009 | my personal practice, stucknesses & stuckification
Well, I guess it’s more things I’m learning this week. Because I’m teaching at this amazing Writer’s Retreat in Taos and yeah, it’s all kinds of intense. Definitely not at the “processing my weird-ass realizations” point yet,...
by Havi Brooks | Jul 9, 2009 | biggification, stucknesses & stuckification
This is something that’s been coming up lately in my Kitchen Table forum, and I’ve been seeing it in various other online places as well. Someone launches a thing. You know, a mailing list or a class or a program or a product. And nothing happens. No one...
by Havi Brooks | Jul 7, 2009 | calm techniques, stucknesses & stuckification
The thing I was planning to write today got erased from my brain. Because of the explosions. I honestly thought I was mostly over all the post-traumatic stress crap that accumulated in my mind/body from a decade living in the Middle East. Hahahahaha. No. This is my...
by Havi Brooks | May 28, 2009 | book reviews, stucknesses & stuckification
So I was going to write something to answer all the people who wonder out loud (well, in email form, mostly) why it is that I require all clients and Kitchen Table-ers to read Nonviolent Communication. And to sleep with it under their pillows own their own copy. But I...